jue City. Xu Ying handed over Tianjue City and Taiyi Gate to him and said: “It has been exposed that I paralyzed Dao Master Luo. If Master Luo must kill me, I am afraid that Tian Jue City will be implicated. Now only you, Dao Master, can save Tian Jue City.” Absolute city.”


King Ling Yanming said: “If that’s the case, why don’t you do the same thing and use the method of going back to the past to kill people to send Master Luo on his way?”
Xu Ying shook his head and said: “Before that, we have to send Master Hua on his way. If what I expected is true, Master Hua is practicing Taiyi Avenue at the moment. He plans to use Taiyi to fight against the Chaos Oath.”
Everyone looked at each other, some confused, some excited, and some worried.
Taoist Master Qixian said: “The legend of the Chaos Lord has been around for a long time. When I started searching the Chaos Sea and looking for other universes, I heard that there was a Dao Lord in the Chaos Sea. People don’t know his name, so let’s call him the Chaos Dao Lord. , hence the name Chaos Lord. However, can Chaos Oath be able to deal with Hua Dao Master?”
Holy King Xuannv has a wide range of knowledge and said: “I have also heard rumors about the Lord of Chaos. He is elusive and unfathomable. If you swear to him, you will be sensed by his great way. If you violate the oath, you will hear the bell. There was a sound, and then all the avenues turned into chaos and died unexpectedly. If Hua Shengsheng breaks his oath, he will definitely die!”
Taoist Master Shi Lan shook his head and said: “Not necessarily! Hua Shengsheng’s strength far surpassed ours back then. He has ruled the universe for more than 100 million years. His power has penetrated thousands of universes, reaching the true meaning of proving the Tao through strength! If he can understand Taiyi through this, he may not be far from the end of the legendary road!”
Master Tai Yi said: “Master Hua Dao’s magical power is beyond imagination. If he cultivates Tai Yi, it will be even more amazing. The Chaos Oath may not be able to do anything to him.”
He glanced at Xu Ying and thought to himself: “This time it must be Xu Ying’s true biography of Hua Taoist Master Taiyi, which is why Hua Taoist Master is willing to take such a big risk and practice Taiyi Avenue in seclusion. Taiyi Avenue is as famous as Chaos Avenue, I’m afraid this The second promise should be self-defeating.”
Xu Ying is from the Three Realms, not even from the New Saint Clan. In the eyes of Taoist Master Qixian and others, he is a low-class person and is very discriminated against.
If Xu Ying Chuanhua Taoist master Taiyi’s true biography is exposed, I am afraid that several Taoist masters around him will fall out with Xu Ying.
/When Tai thought of this, he did not reveal this.
Xu Ying said with a smile: “I have seen a big bell in the sea of ??chaos. It is suspected to be the magic weapon of the Chaos Lord, and it has a great avenue texture. I think that even if the Hua Dao Master comprehends Taiyi, the gap between him and the Chaos Lord is only

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