was quite difficult, as he circulated the supreme scripture, his pace quickened and he just broke in with his physical body!


Is this still possible? He has a track record. Now that he is powerful, he can also bring his body into it. Although it is difficult, it can be done.
Wang Xuan naturally dared to follow the evil dragon into the interior. He really wanted to turn his back and fight here. Although he did not have the home field advantage, it was easier to sharpen his sword in the opponent’s territory, so that the treasure could collapse here and hunt the dragon.
However, he had doubts in his heart, was this really Qitian’s own interior location? After all, he had killed people and refined six rare interior treasures.
This interior location is extraordinary, with an astonishing atmosphere, pavilions, pavilions, spiritual medicines, and spiritual medicine fields. There are quite a lot of various flowers, plants, and precious medicines.
Wang Xuan was in a trance, yes, this is a spiritual space. He can dig medicines from those higher spiritual worlds, bring them back and plant them here.
Compared with the interior location developed by Evil Dragon, Wang Xuan’s place is too desolate, with nothing in it, and is in a primitive state.
He stared carefully, and found that there were still some problems with this vibrant interior. There were also traces of decay hidden in the vibrant space. It was becoming fragile. As the tide of transcendence receded, there was a high probability that it would collapse.
“Is this your inside scene?” Wang Xuan asked.
Qi Tian was very calm and said: “It’s just a joke, it’s not as good as a special interior space. After all, this is the interior space corresponding to my clone. In fact, even the interior space corresponding to the main body in the fairy world has problems and flaws. Ah. Back then, I was targeted, hunted, and assassinated. After those people plotted all this on me, they peeled off my body. Even though I was resurrected, the interior was also damaged. The gaps need to be filled.”
“So, you have set your sights on me and want me to fill in your gaps and make up for your solid foundation?” Wang Xuanhan said, looking closely at this person.
“Drink tea and chat slowly.” Qitian smiled and led him to the pavilion outside the medicine field. There were two women here, one was responsible for holding the sword for him, and the other had prepared the tea set to show Exquisite tea ceremony skills.
Both women are in the state of soul, and their physical bodies cannot stand here. Both of them are beautiful and have outstanding temperament.
/Wang Xuan was startled, the evil dragon really knew how to enjoy it, even the fairy. Is this because of the detention?
The woman’s tea ceremony skills are extraordinary, her movements are graceful, and she gives people a visual enjoyment. Qitian signaled to invite Wang Xuan to drink tea.
“Give me all the innate information that corresponds to your physical body and interior scenery. Don’t worry, I will save your life and ensure that you can

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