immortal land, and its main body was around the fourth stage.


“How did you come back?” Zhang Jiaozu asked.
“There is the main body of the Heavenly Mirror in the spiritual blood pool. The light from the mirror split the sky and the earth, and I came out.” Sword Fairy responded calmly.
“Can a broken treasure also open the curtain?” Zhang Jiaozu was seriously doubtful.
The ancestor of the Nether Blood Sect said: “It should be possible. It has reached this period and the great barrier has decayed. Besides, the Heavenly Mirror was once one of the most powerful treasures. It is not necessarily worse than the Yudao Flag.”
A long time later, Demon Lord Hecai came out with her parents. After seeing Wang Xuan again, she had no expression on her face.
In fact, she felt unnatural. The words of her parents made her have the light of her soul bloom not long ago. Her emotions were ups and downs extremely violently. These words, “child adoptive husband, child adoptive son-in-law”, were too scary and beyond her reach. Expected.
This is more terrifying and astonishing than her parents having a baby in old age and giving her a biological brother. What were the old parents thinking?
Extraordinary face should still be given, especially to a couple, so Lao Zhang and the Netherblood Sect Ancestor were quite kind and didn’t say anything more, not wanting to get into trouble.
“This is the treasure Fairy Qingyao discovered in Buzhou Mountain and brought back to the spiritual blood pool. She did not hesitate to travel across the universe to deliver it to you.”
Wang Xuan directly took out several huge copper tripods. The bright red crystal liquid inside flowed with glow, illuminating the entire spacecraft.
The Demon Lord looked at the bronze tripod, which looked so familiar. They were all old items from her cave, including the wine storage vessels of the former Demon Emperor, as well as bronze ritual vessels paid tribute by others.
/She looked unkind and stared at Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao, but in the end her eyes were attracted by the liquid in the bronze vessel. Now that she was injured, she really couldn’t refuse.
“What a good thing, the little sword fairy is thoughtful.” The Dark Blood Sect Ancestor thanked him enthusiastically.
“Thank you, Zhang. You’re welcome.” Zhang Jiaozu also clasped his fists, writing down this favor.
/“This is the original blood of the higher world, which is amazing. If the original blood of the highest spiritual world could be discovered, it would be incredible, and it would probably be able to transform people violently.” The Shadow couple said.
Then, the two of them pulled Wang Xuan aside. Naturally, they had a lot to talk about, but it was generally similar to his earlier guesses and not too “over the top.”
Soon, the spacecraft became quiet, with red clouds gushing out in every cabin, and powerful spiritual energy fluctuations surging.
As for Wang Xuan, he was cleaning up the mechanical bird, and finally caught the opportunity to catch the guy with a short mouth, plucked its feathers one by on

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