echanical Black Peng, there are now a total of sixteen Limit Breakers in the four major domains. Many people actually appeared here to join forces to kill him.


“Beyond my expectation, the contestants were sent to the nine extinguished barriers, but six or seven limit breakers came here at once. Is it a coincidence or intentional?” Wang Xuan stared at them with a cold expression.
“I give up!” Ma Chaofan shouted.
It, Qingmu, Zhao Qinghan and others all realized that these people were approaching them intentionally, hoping to use them to contain Wang Xuan, pin him in this limited battlefield, and hunt him in groups!
Ma Chaofan’s shouting was useless, because no one took action against it at this time, and there was no fighting. It was obvious that those people knew the rules very well and were taking advantage of the loopholes.
“We are really likely to die!” The little fox’s expression changed. These people would not attack them easily, but they would definitely hang around and seduce a few people without attacking. They would only attack Wang Xuan, but at the critical moment, he would give them a blow and kill them. He killed one or two of them to disturb Wang Xuan’s mood.
Aoki looked at Shino and said, “You guys are a little vicious!”
Wang Xuan came here just to see them off.
Not only that, there was no sound, and there were six more figures in the distance, and they were all Limit Breakers!
In this area, if you include the summoner of the dead, there are a total of twelve limit breakers coming to hunt Wang Xuan. This is definitely a sure-fire situation.
Even Wang Xuan didn’t expect that his “care” would be so terrible and thoughtful. Are all the Limit Breakers here? Let’s have a “game of heroes” and hunt down him who has serious health problems together!
The news spread, shocking the audience in various spaceships in outer space. Is this a man-made hell level? Not giving a way out of life.
Judging from current signs, this battle may be the end!
“That Wang Xuan was seriously injured and his body was severely damaged. Can he survive being surrounded and suppressed like this?”
“The most important thing is that among the dozen limit breakers, if there is someone similar to him who reaches the end of the myth theory, then he will have no way out, and he will be in a desperate situation!”
After the news spread, it caused a huge sensation, and even many outsiders sympathized with him. This kind of pressure was a bit terrifying, suppressing him into a deadlock from which he could not recover.
/Further away, there are many spaceships parked on a living planet, where the incarnations of the most powerful gods are resting, such as the Blood Emperor and the God of War who appeared earlier. In addition, there are Fang Yuzhu, Zhang Daoling, Demon Lord, Nether Blood Cult Leader, etc.
This planet corresponds to a real great barrier that has never been extinguished. Lao Zhang, Fang Yuzhu, Blood Emperor and others are all resonating with their main souls in the big screen. Their main bodies came here from the fairy wor

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