aliens, but our ancestral home is in the old land, and this is also our hometown, so how can we be aliens. “


Wang Xuan clasped his fists and apologized with a smile, and walked with them into the large lawn.
“Wang Xuan, come here!”
“You kid, you dare to say that I am an alien. Come, let me see if you have gained a lot of strength and made new breakthroughs in physical skills. Otherwise, wait for us to work together to deal with you. ”
People kept saying hello on the road, and Wang Xuan was naturally familiar with them, chatting and laughing, and instantly blended into them.
On the lawn, the barbecue racks have been set up, and the buffet food has also begun to be placed on the long tables.
There are more than twenty students selected this time to go to Xinxing, and there are more than a dozen students who stay in this city and will return to their hometown.
It is naturally very lively when so many people gather together, without any barriers or divisions.
However, many of the classmates who stayed in the old land are still very disappointed. They have heard some rumors more or less, and they already know that missing the new star means missing out on a fateful love. Something terrible seems to be happening there.
Some people have heard that something extraordinary is coming in the future!
In such a big era, it is difficult to imagine what the future will be like if some of their classmates are always at the forefront of contacting supernatural powers.
“Wang Xuan!”
The people who stayed in the old land had mixed emotions and greeted Wang Xuan. These people all sighed. Even Wang Xuan was not selected, which was unexpected.
Wang Xuan understood their mood and walked over and chatted with them a lot. When it came to the future, he really felt sorry for these students.
They insisted on staying in this city and waiting for the list to be finalized to see if there would be new people added at the end, which is enough to explain their mood.
At the same time, this also indirectly proves their confidence in themselves, because these people have indeed achieved good results in their old skills.
But it is a pity that the selection criteria this time are not based on this.
“I heard that the blood samples from our physical examination were taken to Xinxing, and I don’t know what kind of analysis was done there as one of the selection checks.” A male classmate who stayed in the old land said.
Wang Xuan was startled. This was the first time he heard about it. He originally thought it was just what he had analyzed Qin Cheng earlier. He didn’t expect that this kind of test was involved.
Qin Cheng eased the atmosphere and said: “Forget it, don’t mention the past, don’t be disappointed, it doesn’t matter if you stay, we can’t touch the extraordinary, then we will work hard and strive to be a chaebol from today on, and we will command and control the extraordinary in the future. ”
A group of people were immediately amused.
/When night falls, standing on this mountain you can overlook the city not far away, where the l

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