the people here were level five experts, so they naturally heard what he said.


Many people were very interested in the big dish that David prepared. The barbecue at the cold dinner reception was an important dish. The roasted camel that David mentioned made the guests look forward to it very much.
David left the hall, his speed increased, and he quickly walked through the corridor and entered the underground training room from the stairs.
The door of the training room is covered with patterns. The safety patterns drawn here can prevent others from accidentally entering.
/Pushing open the door of the training room, as soon as you enter, you will see the ancient medium-sized portal in the middle. This kind of portal that leaves no trace after use is extremely rare in the world of gods.
David did not activate the ancient medium-sized portal immediately. His spirit swept across the walls of the training room. Many ancient isolation patterns were in working order, and he felt relieved.
It’s a lot of pressure to use the portal under the noses of dozens of level five experts without being discovered.
/Fortunately, the ancient isolation pattern is effective enough to completely isolate the space energy caused by the ancient medium-sized portal within the practice room.
David activated the ancient medium-sized portal. After a few minutes, he waited for the ancient medium-sized portal to be fully activated before he stepped into it.
When he reappeared, he was already in an underground confined space, where there was also an ancient medium-sized teleportation gate.
This ancient medium-sized portal was dismantled by David from the safe house hidden on the Loombo planet. The Loombo planet has not had much value since the war between the plague god Gladstone.
David was also worried about the safe house. After all, it was not a safe house made by him. There was a risk of being found by the followers of the evil god at any time.
So he took the time to go to Lumbu Planet and dismantle the ancient medium-sized portal in the safe house.
This ancient medium-sized portal was arranged on the Orb planet. During this period, David was not idle. He first sneaked into the Orb planet in the state of ‘Lightning Body’.
There, the hiding place of Job’s fifth-level Templar was discovered. This was what he was good at. As long as he was within a kilometer range, the Shadow Attendant could enter and exit any patterned defense at will.
After David’s investigation, it was found that Job’s fifth-level Templar’s body and energy clone were not separated and were in the Castle of Jessen.
Jessen Castle is an inconspicuous castle. Among the many castles of the Cotton family, it can only be regarded as an extremely ordinary castle, with nothing special about it.
There are no important resources near the Castle of Jessen. It seems that this castle is the least likely place for Job’s fifth-level Templars to hide.
Even the promotion information of the Lyle family and the Jose family listed Jessen Castle as a category that could be excluded.

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