Someone yelled, and the battleship shook, abandoning the exploded part, and then returned to stability, suspended in the void.


In the distant deep space, Qin Hong was sitting in the spaceship, his body wet with sweat. He was watching the performance of the super battleship on the big screen.
When the last scene appeared, he let out a long breath and then laughed silently.
He waited for ten minutes and saw nothing unusual.
Afterwards, Qin Hong sneered and said: “What perishes will never come back. When weapons containing X substance and N substance are born, the world will be more exciting and brighter. This is the era of science and technology, and it belongs to us who have already mastered everything. era! All bad arts will be dim and lackluster!”
/Wang Xuan stared at the moon crater, feeling deeply uneasy. Because both the Zhengyiguan and the White Horse Temple were shining brightly, so brilliantly that they almost submerged the entire base.
Unfortunately, no one else can see it.
The visions in the moon crater have also disappeared, and ordinary people can no longer see the truth.
Wang Xuan’s heart palpitated endlessly, and his heart beat like a drum. Then, his spiritual realm stirred and resonated, and he whispered: “Do most myths and legends happen in the spiritual world?”
/Some scenes are reflected in his spiritual realm, but ordinary people are unaware of it!
The mysterious things under the moon are fully revealed and appear on the surface!
Wang Xuan’s heart was heavy and his face was more solemn than ever before. He finally determined what it was, and it was indeed similar to his earlier guess.
The curtain!
It was hazy and compelling, more majestic than it had ever been before, after all, it was now truly close to the real world.
Now, he actually saw this kind of thing in the real world.
The light underground is still spreading, expanding towards the surface of the moon, and the scenery seen is gradually becoming clearer from blur.
How can the world behind the scenes appear in the real world?
Suddenly, Wang Xuan woke up and saw something different. At this time, he suddenly woke up and realized what the situation was here.
The curtain is approaching the real world, and the light underground is expanding, but there are also parts of secluded places that slowly emerge from the moon craters and gradually come to the surface.
It’s quiet there. Generally speaking, it’s dark and deep. It’s actually an interior location!
It is like a shadow, connected to the bright curtain, anchoring the present world and becoming an important coordinate. What kind of creature is it leading back?
The interior location has not yet been completely revealed on the surface, but now Wang Xuan has seen part of the truth, and there is actually a hand inside.
A hand passed through the curtain and penetrated into the interior location. It seemed that it had been trying for many years to get through the world behind the scenes.
Wang Xuan looked around, and no one could see the strange phenomenon in the moon crater, not eve

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