he Dusk Wonderland. After all, he had a big plan.


“This is Fairy Fang Yuzhu from Wuyou Palace, and this is Zhang Daoling from Jiuling Cave,” Wang Xuan introduced.
Wu Liuji is an extremely strange person. He walks in this world and can overlook the sea of ??stars in the universe. Naturally, he should be introduced to Fairy Fang and Lao Zhang and take care of them in the future.
Although Lao Zhang wanted to pull him aside and have a good talk, Wang Xuan never gave him a chance.
Wu Liuji glanced at Wang Xuan with the eyes of his nephew, then looked at Fang Yuzhu and Lao Zhang carefully, and nodded seriously.
“The potential is huge, and the future is promising!” He looked at Fang Yuzhu and said, gazing at him with his thunderous eyes. He was not speaking politely.
“Extraordinary talent.” He looked at Lao Zhang and commented.
/He also mentioned the Fudao Cow and said: “Keep this cow. If I really have the opportunity to touch the edge of the True Saint Realm with you, I can superimpose combat power and have a huge effect. After all, if the Supreme Realm is in the same realm, , the gap between them is not very big, and in this case, if we are besieged in the future, we can break the crisis.”
“Senior is already a very different person. Facing the road ahead, he is still hesitating. Why are hesitating? Why can’t he get through?” Fang Yuzhu was very bold and asked directly.
It was obvious that she had heard about the “ascetic monk” Wu Liuji in the Wuyou Palace of the True Saint Dojo, and now she asked him face to face.
“Alas, I always want to see a world that does not exist. I am too stubborn. The road ahead is distorted and blurred, so I can’t go on. The road is bumpy and difficult, and I can’t get through it.”
Wu Liuji said, not hiding anything.
“What kind of world is that? Does it not exist or be inaccessible?” Fang Yuzhu asked questions directly on the road to transcendence without shying away.
Wu Liuji confessed frankly: “This is the root of my problem on the road to transcendence. I wanted to see the boundary-breaking field six times, but I failed in the end. I didn’t necessarily want to break in, I just wanted to witness whether there was such a field Heaven and earth, what kind of scenery is this?”
Fang Yuzhu said nothing and glanced at Wang Xuan.
/“Senior brother, wait for me, it won’t be too long. When the limit is exceeded 6 times, I will call you to see how to get in and let you have a look at the scenery there.” Wang Xuan said.
“Don’t mess around!” Wu Liuji warned sternly, don’t be impulsive. He has already suffered deeply and cannot open that field at all. There is no so-called six-time limit breaking in the world.
“There will be, believe me, when the time comes, please watch it together.” Wang Xuan said with a smile.
Wu Liuji almost wanted to teach him a lesson, but his face dropped.
Fang Yuzhu hurriedly smoothed over the situation, smiled and talked about other things, and finally put the matter aside for the time being.
The strange mobile phone is back, shimmering with chaotic light, the scre

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