serious and his master is likely to explode.


Wu Liuji sighed: “I would like to ask how many children Mr. Lao Wang has. If he sends one to the left and one to the right after a period of time, my master’s mentality will be unbalanced.”
“Senior brother!” Leng Mei was arrogant and heard the overtone.
“You, Wang Laoliu, are really hiding deep!” Wu Liuji sighed, and then he said to himself: “Who can guarantee that there will not be a Wang Laoqi in the next century.”
“It shouldn’t happen. It was just an accident.” Wang Xuan explained seriously with a smile that there was no need to worry about the Wang family.
“Lu Po, Mr. and Mrs. Lao Wang are so amazing. They have created a descendant like you and taught them well.” Wu Liuji admired from the bottom of his heart.
Wang Xuan shook his head: “They didn’t teach me anything. I didn’t even get their bloodline mark or the physical inheritance of the most powerful person.”
There is no wonder like the Supreme Demon Saint Hengkong in his body, but there are two kinds in Wang Dao’s body.
Wu Liuji was stunned when he heard this.
“Did you figure it out by yourself?” Leng Mei’s eyes were flowing with the texture of Yudao. She looked at him with even more surprise and admiration.
King Dao returned, and at a glance he saw something was wrong with the atmosphere.
Wu Liuji glanced at Wang Xuan and said: “It’s okay, just tell me. If my master finds out, the worst thing you can do is hide in Master Gu and Jin’s dojo. Don’t come out for the time being. When he finishes beating Wang Yusheng, the anger will come out.” about there.”
If there is a situation or a conspiracy, do you want to sacrifice his father to be beaten? The royal way is awe-inspiring.
Then, he felt that his head was patted again, and he became angry. It was actually that young boy Wang Xuan who did it!
“Eldest nephew, I am your uncle.” Wang Xuan smiled brightly, showing his white teeth.
/It will take another day or two to recover two chapters. Now all my symptoms are mild and my head pain is completely gone. My only problem is that my nose is very blocked, which is very uncomfortable especially when I sleep.
Wang Dao was so furious that his skull was about to be pushed up. He received another slap in the face. That little boy was really weak!
Just now, his father had said that more than 90% of the people left no descendants in the Transcendent Center.
But wait a minute, this young boy changed his title. He is not his brother, but calling himself his uncle? !
Wang Dao’s head was buzzing, what the hell kind of situation is this?
In particular, he saw that young boy showing off his white teeth, which were so bright and sparkling, and he was grinning at him in a despicable way.
He felt that his life had been ridiculed and insulted. How long had it been before the other party took a step further and was promoted to his uncle? !
He felt that his parietal bones were loose, and he was about to be aroused by a wave of anger. This was a bit unbearable!
“Maotou” Wang Daogang opened his mouth.
/Next to him, Wu Liuji s

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