torical cycle, he did not want to meet his old friends to avoid any trouble.


As for meeting Lu Po, Wei Luo and others, that is because cooperation is greater than friendship, and the friendship with them is definitely not as deep as that with old friends.
/Furthermore, these are all old monsters who came out of the Jedi. They have many ways to save their lives. Even if they really reveal their roots, those supreme beings may not be cruel to them. After all, it is still impossible to determine their status in the Jedi. The body is completely dead.
“Boss Lu, Lao Luo, Qing Niu, I see you are here.” Wang Xuan suddenly appeared outside a desolate and dilapidated dojo.
Suddenly, a small group of people stood up in shock.
“Ancestor Zai Dao?!” Lu Po let out a sigh of relief after seeing who it was.
/The Behemoth Bear King exclaimed: “As expected of the leading brother, the extraordinary communicator cannot be used now. The tide of the whole myth is so big and chaotic. We have been out of contact for so long, but you can still find us!”
Wang Xuan entered this dilapidated small dojo and said with a smile: “When I passed by here, I felt something in my heart. I didn’t expect to see you and so on.”
“Are you making rapid progress again?!” It has to be said that Wei Luo is quite sensitive. Even if Wang Xuan conceals his Qi, he will feel it instinctively.
In his perception, this real Dao and fake Dao were much scarier than the “Old Demon of Genuine Dao” in the same realm, leaving him at a loss.
“I got something unexpectedly. I dug up the kind of medicine residue you mentioned last time that is related to Lupo.” Wang Xuan informed.
Suddenly, a group of people’s eyes turned green, and they all looked directly at the leader who was so down-to-earth, and the other party didn’t hide anything from them.
The No. 1 Myth Center was shaken!
Then, everyone stood up in shock. Myth Center No. 2 appeared in a flash and stopped outside a decaying universe in the distance. It was not very far away from Center No. 1. It was almost right next door.
Shou, Ge and others all stood up, looking solemn as never before, looking at Center 2. The entire mythical tide had a heavy atmosphere, as if it had solidified.
All the supreme beings have stood high in the sky, looking at the uninvited guests on the opposite side.
The other extraordinary beings felt a chill to their bones, and it actually followed him all the way, eventually catching up and stopping right next door.
And Chaser Center 3, where is it at this time? It would be unimaginable for it to become a neighbor, as if it were a “natural disaster”.
Opposite, Myth Center No. 2 is grand and powerful, and its light radiates to the nearby decaying universe, but it itself is silent, and there is no movement from the supreme beings there for the time being.
“Is something big going to happen? A bloody battle is going to break out between different sources of mythology? It’s a bad time, damn Luo!” said the old devil Cai Dao with a heavy heart and humiliated Luo every day.
Vero, the rea

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