It flapped its wings desperately, electric arcs circulated, and kept changing its position. However, the man below fired a volley of arrows, blocking all directions.


It wasn’t until the arrow feathers flew past that there was a big explosion. The sonic boom was terrifying. Several arrow feathers flew away, and the energy fluctuations were frightening.
Grandmaster Ma desperately ran away, dodging several extraordinary arrows that were enough to explode him, but there were some secret arrows that he really couldn’t avoid.
When it dodged other arrow feathers, one of the arrow feathers shot toward its abdomen, the beam of light was bright, and such arrow feathers were enough to knock down a corner of a mountain!
/All arrow feathers are secretly made, engraved with extraordinary runes, and coupled with the astonishing secret power poured into them by the archer, they are simply unstoppable to mortals.
Wang Xuan used his spiritual realm to predict in advance, fell off his horse, grabbed one of the horse’s legs, and hung it in mid-air. His heart glowed and thunder bloomed to block the arrow.
However, the runes on the arrow feathers were flourishing, passing through his blooming thunder, and the arrow body only dimmed slightly.
Wang Xuan’s body was filled with light golden luster. He held a dagger in his hand and struck at the terrifying arrow feathers coming at extremely fast speed.
The sharp blade cut off the arrow feathers engraved with mysterious runes, causing the arrow to change its trajectory and fly past the side of the horse’s belly.
There was still a foot away, and the runes on the arrow glowed, tearing Grandmaster Ma’s fur apart. A bloody gash a foot long appeared on his body, dripping with blood.
Below, after Wang Xuan chopped off the secret talisman arrow, he encountered a fatal crisis. The upper half of the arrow flew over, and the remaining half of the alloy arrow shaft changed direction and pierced into his chest with a pop.
During this process, thunder exploded in his heart, obliterating most of the runes erupting from the arrow shaft, and the golden light on his body also surged, which was the secret power of the Golden Body Technique flowing around.
However, the arrow shaft still pierced his chest. This was extraordinary power!
Although the runes on the arrow feathers were partially destroyed by the lightning on his chest, he was still a mortal after all and could not destroy the extraordinary arrows.
The archer on the ground had a mane of black hair, full of wildness, and cold eyes. He commented: “Even if the arrow is broken, the one who hits it will explode!”
The other two extraordinary beings nodded. The gap between mortals and extraordinary beings was insurmountable. Not to mention killing one person with this arrow, even a group of great masters could shoot them all with one arrow if they stood in a line!
Blood was spilled in the sky, and the metal arrow shaft with runes pierced Wang Xuan’s chest, piercing the flesh and blood, and also inserted into his lungs, inflicting severe

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