depleted, so it is dim and unusable.


“You can also inject the mysterious factor.” Wang Xuan tried. When the energy begins to accumulate and sinks into the lamp body, it can be activated at any time.
The flames flickered, and after Wang Xuan used his spirit to activate the small arrow mark on it, the runes flowed there, and a small dark red arrow was about to fly out!
Mysterious runes are the most critical, targeting the spiritual realm of people.
He quickly stopped and let the wick go out. In the process, the ancient lamp consumed a lot of money.
No wonder the light went out after the transcendent controlled by the Sun family launched several attacks. In the era of decayed mythology, there was a lack of super matter on the new star, and ordinary people couldn’t afford it.
Wang Xuan did not inject any more super matter. This thing was extremely powerful, but it was also like a bottomless pit that could never be fed enough.
/He felt that it was necessary to go to Qian An’s manor and use the mysterious factors in the half-copper wall of the Taoist temple to warm this rare treasure.
Wang Xuan studied it carefully for a long time, explored it with his spiritual eyes, and learned more.
“This lamp is amazing. The power it displays so far is just the tip of the iceberg and is closely related to the spiritual level of the caster.”
Wang Xuan’s eyes lit up. If all the layers of runes deeper inside the lamp body were activated, it would most likely be a very terrifying killer weapon.
This was somewhat beyond his expectation. This lamp was very mysterious.
“Go to Qian’s house tomorrow, borrow the interior location, and feed it first.” Wang Xuan was full of expectations for the lamp.
Then, he frowned for a while, how to save Lao Chen?
He had been studying for a long time and could use this lamp to activate arrow feathers and light curtains, but he didn’t know how to retrieve the small arrow from Lao Chen’s body.
As for the small dark red arrow in his body, he had long ago crushed it and obliterated it with his strange sight, and a faint red light dissipated in the void.
But he didn’t dare to use his own wonders to shake the three small arrows in Lao Chen’s spiritual field, for fear of accidentally detonating them.
“Huh?” Later, he finally found some clues.
After he activated the runes on the base of the ancient lamp, the small dark red arrows in Lao Chen’s spiritual field trembled slightly, disintegrating into some faint red halos, and were pulled out.
“Can it still be used like this?”
Whoosh whoosh!
Three small dark red arrows flew out and were absorbed by the ancient lamp.
The effect was obvious. Lao Chen immediately opened his eyes and revived from the dead state.
“Hiss!” He gasped, his head hurt, and he felt a little uncomfortable after being imprisoned in the spiritual realm for such a long time.
At the same time, he felt some pain in his arm. During the day, he was in a comatose state, which almost caused one of his arms to be chopped off.
“Did I survive this?” He was surprised. Thinking of the danger

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