lear understanding that he could not defeat this old fox.


In his opinion, this black fox is unfathomable, probably even more powerful than the white peacock!
“Hey, I smelled your scent. Not long ago, you were with another descendant of the immortals. It’s really good news. Immortals have queens, and the sky has eyes.”
/The old fox has a keen sense of smell and an amazing sense of smell.
Wang Xuan knew that it must be talking about Zhao Qinghan, because her family was also married to the Xinxing Aboriginal people, and Goddess Zhao’s eyes were already slightly purple.
“She is a woman, very young, with a sunny aura, and also has the potential for Immortal Disease. She should be very suitable for practice.” The old fox said with his eyes closed.
Wu Yin looked at Wang Xuan and said, “Do you have the aura of a woman? You guys?”
“What are you thinking about? I also have your aura on me. If you don’t believe me, just ask the old fox fairy.” Wang Xuan said.
The old fox nodded and said: “Yes, he has your strong aura on him, which almost made me mistakenly think that he is also a descendant of immortals.”
“Let’s go, you lead the way. I won’t hurt them. I will give them an opportunity that the descendants of the immortals deserve.” The old fox said.
Wang Xuan didn’t want to lead the way, who knew whether what the old fox said was true or false.
However, the old fox had extraordinary means and led the way forward. Soon he saw Grandmaster Ma and Zhao Qinghan on a mountain peak.
Wang Xuan’s hair stood on end, how strong was this old fox?
“This pony is not bad. It is suitable for me to practice.” The old fox nodded.
Wang Xuan sighed, this time he was probably going to pay for Grandmaster Ma and the two women, but he couldn’t stop it.
/The old fox looked at Wang Xuan and said, “If you are worried, you can follow him.”
Wang Xuan felt awe in his heart, were he going to be packed away and taken away together?
He couldn’t see through this old fox, didn’t know its true intentions, and couldn’t tell whether it was really friendly or deep-minded.
“So Qinghan is here, and I have caused her trouble.” Wu Yin whispered, originally she was taken away alone, but now she can’t run away at all.
“We are going to Liexian Cave Mansion, not to Demon Cave. There is a huge opportunity!” the little fox fairy corrected, and then glanced at Wang Xuan and muttered: “Break it with him!”
If the old fox hadn’t been here, Wang Xuan would have taught it how to respect Wang Jiaozu. This little fox kept saying slanderous words, and it was really a fox pretending to be a fox.
The old fox floated in the sky. It did not spread out a pair of black wings, but just flew up, like a black lightning, heading towards the mountain peak ahead.
Even if he has a trump card, there is a high probability that he will not be able to deal with this old fox.
The White Tiger True Immortal in the curtain made it clear that her silver hairpin could only deal with creatures in the early stage of transcendence. No matter how strong it was, there would be nothing she co

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