nt sword.


There is no change on the surface of the legs, and it is clear who is stronger and who is weaker.
The golden giant sword collapsed suddenly, and the terrifying aura generated by the collision also erupted at the same moment.
/On the battlefield, the fourth-level Zerg and the fourth-level Sky Knight were directly turned into ashes under the shock wave formed by the terrifying aura. Their bodies and souls were destroyed by the terrifying power, leaving no trace behind.
It seems that the god level of the Zerg world is the same as the god of war. The shock wave swept through the fifth level Zerg. A shield incompatible with their strength appeared on the fifth level Zerg, blocking the impact of the shock wave.
The God of War’s heart is full of fighting spirit, but he knows very well that with a small war temple, he cannot fight to the fullest with the gods of the Zerg world.
Without the slightest hesitation, the Small War Temple borrowed the internal teleportation gate and forcibly opened the teleportation, forcibly teleporting the Small War Temple from space.
The so-called transmission restrictions are not a problem at all for the gods who rule the divine world.
The small war temple disappeared on the opposite side of the space gate, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the planet-level teleportation gate of Tula Star.
David sensed the teleportation through the Templars of Haro, and he had only one thought in his mind, the God of War was defeated.
This was not only his idea, but also the idea of ??all the Templars present. A belief collapsed in their hearts. The invincible God of War was defeated. This was a great impact on their faith.
The God of War can ignore the feelings of these fifth-level Templars, but the priests in the main world cannot ignore them.
“Everyone, the god level of the Zerg world suddenly appeared. Since this small war temple cannot accommodate the power of my lord, my lord cannot destroy the god level of the Zerg world. In order to protect you, my lord consumes divine power to send you back to Tula Star. There is a formal temple here, which is enough for our Lord to do his best. This will be the hell of the Zerg!” Bishop McKinley appeared and announced.
The expressions of the fifth-level Templars present varied. Most of the Templars believed Bishop McKinley’s explanation, but there were also some who felt grudges.
Many of those fourth-level Sky Knights are friends and kin of the Templar Knights, or even close relatives. When danger came, the God of War abandoned them.
No one believed that the God of War was unable to send all the knights back at that moment. Compared with the power required for battle, the power required to rescue the knights was much smaller.
The Templars looked at each other, and two thousand fourth-level sky knights died in this war. A large part of the fourth-level sky knights did not die at the hands of the Zerg, but were abandoned by the gods they believed in.
This kind of hurt took root in the hearts of some Templars, and coupled with t

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