e arrived, it was six-fifty.


Finally, all the 100,000 spectators arrived, and all departments were in place!
“Ready to begin!”
Tong Shuwen’s voice at this moment was filled with enthusiasm.
on site.
The audience had a heated discussion while waiting for the concert to begin.
“It’s about to begin!”
Zhou Meng looked at the time on his phone and said with excitement: “There are still a few minutes left!”
Zhou Meng is a die-hard fan of Xianyu.
She came with her boyfriend Wang Yu.
For this reason, the young couple took leave from their respective companies.
Zhou Meng laughed along: “I’m most looking forward to “A Laugh in the Sea”.”
The audience nearby participated in the topic: “Will the ending song be “The Ordinary Road”?”
Another audience member joined in: “If you don’t say secret words, I want to see Fish Daddy dance.”
“Hahahaha, come on, it’s good to hear some.”
Everyone laughed.
They are all fans of Xianyu.
The scene was so lively, and the audience, who did not know each other, seemed to be familiar with each other. This may be related to the fact that everyone came for the same person.
And in the midst of everyone’s laughter.
Suddenly there was the sound of an approaching tide coming from the scene.
The audience subconsciously raised their heads.
On the huge screen on the stage, a huge fish that covered the sky was hovering thousands of feet high in the sky!
A beam of light falls.
With a bang, the floor of the stage turned into an ocean, with colorful fish swimming freely.
/Beautiful special effects.
A distant singing voice suddenly sounded softly:
“The waves silently submerged the night deeply and spread over the end corner of the sky.”
The singing sounds from far to near.
On the lifting platform in the center of the stage, Jiang Kui’s figure slowly emerged.
There was applause.
The audience was not surprised that Jiang Kui appeared.
Before the concert starts, there will basically be a warm-up session with guests.
The main reason is that the venue cannot be empty and the audience must wait, so this arrangement will be made before the concert officially starts.
Moreover, the song “Big Fish” was originally composed by Xianyu, and it has a high popularity among the audience.
No one will feel impatient listening to it.
The familiar melody and lyrics came from Jiang Kui’s mouth: “Every tear will flow to you, and flow back into the sky and the bottom of the sea.”
/Amid applause, the audience was discussing:
“What beautiful special effects!”
“Based on my experience of attending concerts of all sizes, the special effects specifications at Xianyu’s concert are definitely the highest ever!”
“I feel like the special effects alone are worth the price of admission!”
“It’s quite appropriate for Jiang Kui to be in charge of the warm-up area.”
“This song “Big Fish” is something I never tire of listening to.”
“Many singers have covered this song, but I have to say that Jiang Kui’s version is the most beautiful!”
“Jiang Kui’s version is truly unsurpassed.”
And while ev

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