d have become more and more active in recent years, and time is running out.


The movement of the True Saint of Kuji Ridge seriously affected Wang Xuan in this world.
Wang Xuan sat on the cliff of the snowy mountain and spoke calmly: “Seventeen years have passed since the True Immortal broke through the limit four times. I think it won’t take me that long. 50 years is too far away. I should rush over as soon as possible.”
The mobile phone was silent and glowed with a faint dark light. Apparently, it felt that Wang Xuan didn’t have enough time and it was not easy to cross the 50-year barrier.
After a while, it muttered to itself: “It’s a little strange. Why has the True Saint of Kuji Ridge become more and more restless in recent years? I should go and take a secret photo of him to see what’s going on.”
Two years later, the light mist outside Wang Xuan’s body flowed slowly, forming a soft light group and wrapping him in it.
It looks peaceful, but in fact, every burst of light and mist will form a terrifying sword energy, enough to tear the sky apart.
He had meditated on the four-page Sword Scripture obtained from the scarecrow in the True Saint’s Backyard for many years, and had transformed the terrifying sword light into a mist of light, hazy and peaceful.
The grand and terrifying sword intention is reflected in an extremely soft state, and the scene of the growth and decline of all things is performed in the light and mist.
In the realm of true immortals, it would be unimaginable to slash out with such sword light!
/Amidst the sword light, some bronze spears were pulled out!
But Wang Xuan was frowning, taking a deep breath, and the massive light mist, accompanied by all the phenomena and scenery in the world, disappeared into his body.
“It’s becoming more and more frequent.” Recently, he felt an abnormality in the blood of rules, and he was probably restless again. The old zombie outside the world was about to revive.
Every time the true saint of Kuji Ridge revives, it will be a disaster for Wang Xuan. The six bronze spears will be revealed, making him bloody again, and the blood of the rules will be completely out of control.
“I’ll go to Kuji Ridge to take a look.” This time the mobile phone wonder really took off, disappearing from a remote place in the universe and heading to the True Saint’s Dojo.
On Wang Xuan’s wrist, in the bracelet made of battleships, the active metal light flashed, and the mechanical bear came out.
“I will definitely get through this. I’ll be with you.” It replaced the strange object on the mobile phone and guarded Wang Xuan, watching him perform various sutras.
/“How is the refining of the fire going?” Wang Xuan asked it.
“It went very well. With the mechanical body training method, the effect is very good.” These mechanical bears have been practicing in the battleship, and their strength has improved significantly.
However, it is very worried about Wang Xuan, just like returning to the era of decayed myths of the mother universe. When the extraordinary came to an end, Wang

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