idelines. Only Jiang Kui can sing himself as a person in the story.”


Producers and even songwriters in the music industry are feeling emotional.
“There’s no suspense anymore.”
/“This song tells the whole story of Jiang Kui.”
“Anyone who listens to this song will feel sorry for this girl from the bottom of his heart.”
“There are always some fools in the world who make people laugh and admire them.”
“This is probably one of the most perfect collaborations between a songwriter and a singer.”
“I can congratulate this young diva in advance.”
Netizens have been deeply shocked by this song!
“It turns out this song is about Jiang Kui!”
“I cried when I heard it”
“It sounds really, really, really nice!”
“I was really shocked to hear this song after watching the news about Jiang Kui. I didn’t expect that she would sing such a song this time. Becoming a singer is the best reward for her. It’s really great! ”
“Obviously not every sentence has a high pitch, but I heard the highest shout between the lines.”
“I always think it’s pretentious to say that I was moved by a certain song, but this time I was really moved by her. I hope this strong and unyielding silly girl can gain all the happiness in life!”
“Hearing the tears, Jiang Kui became distracted!”
“Really, it has completely sung into my heart. She is not stupid, she just attaches too much importance to feelings, even if that feeling is only maintained by blood ties.”
“People who have had similar experiences really resonate with me. There are many Diao people in the world, like me. I will learn to be strong like her. She is my role model!”
“You are A Diao, you are a free bird. This sentence is really tearful!”
Maybe you still have questions after listening to the first few sentences, but as the lyrics are laid out layer by layer, and as the singing becomes more and more moving, everyone can hear the artistic conception of this song.
This is a song tailor-made for Jiang Kui by Xianyu!
Her hard work, her strength, and all her past, along with the melody and lyrics, resound in the hearts of countless people!
Just as the pros say.
There is no suspense that this song will reach the top of the charts in August, just like there is no suspense that Jiang Kui will use this song to achieve the last piece of the puzzle to become a diva!
It’s not that the quality of this song is impeccable.
Just because this song interprets Jiang Kui and has infected countless listeners. Even though this is a song that may not be too popular, it does not prevent it from occupying an extremely important position in people’s hearts!
At this time someone noticed:
The singers of Yu Dynasty, including Xianyu himself, have reposted this song on their blogs.
This is a silent force.
They didn’t say anything, but they used actions to express their support for Jiang Kui.
This is the Yu Dynasty. They may usually fight and quarrel over a song by Xianyu, but if someone encounters something, they can always unite surprisingly!
And when dawn comes.
Related news is alrea

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