the earth.


The box office of the Harry Potter series of movies is also higher than the previous one, and the starting point of 8 billion is considered very good.
Lin Yuan can’t just wait for the Harry Potter series to help him improve his ranking. According to his plan, it will take about eight years to complete the filming of the novel. Otherwise, the three protagonists in the movie will Age doesn’t match the plot.
But eight years is too long.
Lin Yuan could not wait foolishly.
Therefore, Lin Yuan plans to make some other movies to help Xianyu’s film and television rankings accelerate.
As for what movie to make?
In fact, the choice space is very wide.
Another example is adapting “The Wandering Blue Star” into a movie?
Or adapt “The Martian” into a movie?
In addition, Lin Yuan is still thinking about when to film the famous “The Pianist on the Sea”?
This film has always been planned.
never mind.
/Go to bed first.
Go to the company to discuss it with Lao Zhou during the day.
Nine o’clock.
Starlight Entertainment.
Lin Yuan’s office.
Lao Zhou pondered slightly and said:
“Isn’t the audience coverage enough?”
Lin Yuan remembers that the year this movie was released, Hanzhou joined the big merger.
in other words.
Audiences in Zhaozhou, Weizhou and Zhongzhou may not have seen this movie.
Lao Zhou smiled: “Although there were still three continents that had not joined the merger when “Resident Evil” was released, because of your increasing achievements in film and television, audiences in the following three continents have already recognized this movie through archaeological methods. By the way, if you look at the video websites we cooperate with on all continents, you will know that the click-through rate of this movie is very high.”
The selection of new movies is indeed vast.
But the leading female lead in “Resident Evil” is Xia Fan.
“When will the script be finished?”
“It’s ready.”
Lin Yuan smiled and took out the script of “Resident Evil 2”.
Lao Zhouyi was stunned, and then started laughing:
“You and Chu Kuang are indeed good brothers.”
“How to say?”
“Chu Kuang’s speed at writing novels is terrifying, but your speed at writing scripts is comparable to his.”
Lin Yuan didn’t want to discuss with Lao Zhou who was faster, Xianyu or Chu Kuang. After the new movie project was decided, the other party left with the script.
Lin Yuan simply coded on the spot.
Naturally, it is still a science fiction novel.
Chu Kuang has opened an eight-continent competition in the field of science fiction to challenge the world. Although he has won three games now, there are still seven games waiting for him. It is really difficult not to save the manuscript. Fortunately, these days of calm, Lin Yuan I have accumulated a lot of manuscripts of science fiction short stories.
It turns out.
Lin Yuan’s plan for a rainy day was very prescient.
Just that night.
/Among the remaining seven literary opponents.
Duanwu Mingsudden Aite Chu Kuang, a writer from Qizhou: “I have l

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