was swallowed and refined by the transformed demon. .


And in this flash of lightning, scenes like this happened in many places on the outer sea.
But in other places, there is still the same rain of blood, but when the power of the gilded divine flower wraps the demonic light, it penetrates into the three elements of human essence, energy and spirit.
Almost instantly, along with the sudden decline of his qi, blood, and even his cultivation and qi, a gilded divine flower suddenly glowed from the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit.
In the blink of an eye, when all the demon light and demon flames were pushed away, the torn flesh and blood of the Taoist body were ignored by the person. Almost instantly, behind the person, there seemed to be a towering giant tree, which was both virtual and real. In the blink of an eye, vines suddenly spread out, wrapping around the Taoist’s figure, and then dragged his figure and disappeared into the world in an instant.
In a very short period of time, he penetrated into the metaphysical realm.
When he suddenly reappeared, he had already moved a large distance across the battlefield, revealing his figure in front of the hanging wall from a distance.
When I looked again, it was true that all the vitality had dropped to the point of no return, that most of the body was covered in blood and flesh, and that the towering tree hanging behind him was being burned by invisible and formless fireworks. shrink.
But in the same life-and-death crisis, some people have already thrown themselves into the demon flames and become the fuel and material for the great demon to improve his own foundation.
But after paying such a high price, they finally saved their lives.
This is more important than anything else!
/The decline in cultivation, physical injuries, and the loss of Guizhen Taoism can all be made up for.
When life is lost, everything is in vain.
Likewise, more great monks in the Golden Core Realm who were able to avoid this life-and-death crisis due to various coincidences looked at these fellow Taoists who were embarrassed but still alive with envy.
/Almost in the blink of an eye, countless monks decided on the idea of ????exchanging for a True Return Dao Seed.
Even though the road ahead is still a rough road, mastering the path to return to the truth is tantamount to mastering a life-saving trump card.
And with the dissemination of Guizhen Dao seed, and with all the sects acquiring the true form of Dao, many people have already expected that the battlefield where monks will fight and fight for their lives in the future will probably not be the same. Then in the present world, but in that mysterious and metaphysical realm, the collision of talismans and seal patterns that are the foundation of Taoism!
Furthermore, after the flash of convulsion passed, and when figures like Zong Lao and Headmaster Ban all appeared in the sky, what appeared in their eyes was a truly strange sight.
The human race and the demon race continued to fight in the narrow battlefield, but the nex

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