n the future?”


Painting Chinese paintings?
Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment. He definitely couldn’t teach Luo Wei now, because his actual level of Chinese painting was about the same as Luo Wei’s.
/But if he can draw a master-level painting level from the golden treasure chest, he can indeed teach Luo Wei.
But Lin Yuan couldn’t guarantee this kind of thing.
Just when Lin Yuan was about to speak, the system suddenly appeared: Congratulations to the host for triggering a new task. If the host can reach the standard of over 500,000 yuan in painting reputation within one year, the host will be rewarded with a gold treasure chest containing a master-level painting level!
Lin Yuan became a little happy.
The system doesn’t just want to steal money from you, it will occasionally be considerate.
For example, when you need your painting skills the most, the system will issue such a task.
After accepting the task.
Lin Yuan turned to look at Luo Wei: “If you can give me enough help, I can teach you Chinese painting.”
Luo Wei was overjoyed.
As the master of the painting club, Lin Yuan’s teaching ability has long been rumored to be miraculous by students, so Luo Wei wants to know, is Lin Yuan so good at teaching Chinese painting?
With Luo Wei’s current level of painting, it is actually not difficult to find a painting master to study under.
But the problem is that there are many people who are good at painting, but not everyone can teach it.
“Then let’s get started.”
Lin Yuan nodded and said that he had officially started the design of the storyboard. As for the perfection, he wanted to hand it over to Luo Wei to see how good she was.
Luo Wei was not idle either.
Lin Yuan designed the storyboards, and she copied the dragons, horses and other characters drawn by Lin Yuan.
After copying like this for a period of time, she was able to freely draw figures such as dragons and horses written by Lin Yuan.
/After drawing the storyboard, Lin Yuan looked at the characters copied by Luo Wei. They were no longer much different from what he had drawn.
But this is the ability of a master, and it is also the reason why Lin Yuan asked Luo Wei to be his assistant.
Ordinary assistants can only help Lin Yuan draw some simple background parts, but an assistant of Luo Wei’s level can help Lin Yuan draw comics in a real sense!
In fact.
On the Internet, there are still many painting masters who can draw the charm of the original characters, and these people are generally great artists of the same genre.
Some fan authors draw characters that are almost the same as the original ones.
Luo Wei is such an assistant.
Lin Yuan didn’t know that Luo Wei was a well-known painter on the Internet, and he had indeed painted some fan works and had been recognized by many fans of the original works.
Lin Yuan only knew that he could draw “The King of Nets” with his assistant Luo Wei in the future.
Anyway, the storyboard work is not very complicated for Lin Yuan.
Men and women are matched, so work is not ti

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