ier that normal fifth-level Templars cannot break in a short time was broken by Lord Arthur’s sword!”


“Why is Lord Arthur’s sword so fast? It’s so fast that it almost exceeds the reaction ability of a fifth-level Bishop Gershwin. That’s the reaction ability of a fifth-level spirit!”
With doubts in his heart, the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin’s body softened and he fell down from the air.
David did not pick it up, but controlled the Shadow Attendant to suck out the soul of the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin before using his spirit to lift the body.
It is very dangerous to approach such a powerful existence without being 100% sure of death.
The best way to detect death is to let Shadow Attendant suck out the soul.
David put the body of Gershwin’s fifth-level bishop into the space pendant. He sat on the back of the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ and entered the ‘invisible’ state. Shadow Attendant also collected a fifth-level Templar knight and his energy clone. rise.
He summed up the gains and losses of this battle in his mind. First, he underestimated the fifth-level bishop.
The fifth-level bishop may not have the frontal defense and attack power of the fifth-level Templar, but the ability of the fifth-level bishop is even weirder.
/Take the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin as an example. David thought that he was 100% sure of the siege, but he allowed the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin to escape.
Fortunately, David made careful calculations in every action he took, and he chose to block the path of the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin, so that he could hold back the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin.
David shook his head, tapped the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ and flew towards the castle where the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin escaped.
At this time, the castle was already in chaos, and the sudden battle was very brief, but everyone could see that there was something wrong with their baron.
Maybe the people in these castles couldn’t recognize the Templars, but no one couldn’t recognize the energy clones.
The energy clones of the fifth-level Templars are simply the symbol of the fifth-level Templars, so after discovering as many as nine energy clones, based on the most basic judgment, they suspected that their baron had a big problem.
David came here to find out some clues about the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin. He had not yet checked the space items of the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin. He came to the castle first because he was worried that the clues here would be destroyed.
In addition, he also has to clean up the memories of everyone here. If he had not obtained the ‘Hypnosis’ talent, he would have chosen to kill everyone here.
There is no need to do that now. The ‘hypnosis’ talent is used to erase all the memories of everyone in the entire castle tonight.
As for the clues left by the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin, David was very disappointed. Apart from the items that an ordinary baron should have, there is nothing special here.
David did not stay any longer. He once again used the authority of the Supreme Council member in the ‘invisible’ stat

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