designed by Zhao He. He first surrendered and got rid of you, and then proposed setting up such a bureau.”


Xiao Yao’s eyes were full of anger, and he cursed: “That boy Zhao He dares to do such a thing, I will never be done with him.”
/Li Xuan said: “Let’s go back to the bureau.”
Xiao Yao apologized and said with a smile: “Comrade police, I can do anything, including what that kid Zhao He did behind his back. I will also tell you everything. Can you fight for leniency for me?”
“Back in the bureau, you can explain it slowly.”
12. Lies worthy of respect
“Smile to the sky, you can go out now.”
The door to the prison cell was opened by a policeman. Xiang Tianxiao had been squatting inside for three days. When he was imprisoned, his heart was unusually calm. But now that he was about to be let out, his heart was in turmoil.
“Why do you want to let me out?” Xiang Tianxiao asked doubtfully.
The policeman laughed and said: “You are really weird. I asked you to go out and you still ask why.”
“I killed someone and I should pay with my life. I shouldn’t go out.”
“But you didn’t kill anyone. It was Li Kai who did. And Li Kai has surrendered, so you don’t have to take the blame for him. Get out quickly.”
“No, it wasn’t him who killed him, it was me.” Such a result was something Xiang Tianxiao never expected.
“No need to pretend anymore, all the evidence is enough to prove that it was Li Kai who killed him. Come out with me quickly.”
Xiang Tianxiao reluctantly followed the police out of the prison cell.
After leaving the public security bureau, Xiang Tianxiao saw Wei Renwu, Mary, and Azhen across the street.
The three of them also saw Xiang Tianxiao, and they hurried forward to greet him.
Mary and Ah Zhen asked with concern: “Master, are you okay?”
Xiang Tianxiao didn’t say anything, just shook his head, he was in a terrible mood now.
Wei Renwu understood what he was thinking. Wei Renwu ordered: “Azhen, go and bring the car. Boss Xiang needs to go home now.”
Ah Zhen followed Wei Renwu’s instructions and drove the Audi A8 over.
On the way home, Xiang Tianxiao was still distracted. Mary kept nagging beside him, but he didn’t respond to a word.
Finally returning home, Mary wanted to prepare a basin to burn mugwort to rid Xiangtianxiao of bad luck.
However, Wei Renwu said: “Mary, don’t fix those useless things. What Boss Xiang needs now is to rest.”
“Oh, then I’ll go cook.” Mary said disappointedly.
“Let me help too.” Ah Zhen echoed Mary.
After the two of them entered the kitchen, Wei Renwu said to Xiang Tianxiao, “Let’s go to the study. I have something to say.”
The two of them sat opposite each other in the study, both looking extremely serious.
Xiang Tianxiao spoke first. He sighed softly: “You shouldn’t let him surrender. He is still young. This will ruin his future.”
/Wei Renwu responded: “I didn’t persuade him, and I didn’t force him. It was all his own choice, just like in your office that day. I didn’t expose you because it was your choice.”
“He is different from me. He is young and I am old. You s

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