terrifying thing after it smudges by itself.


Those thick, elephant-like legs were covered with tough horniness that seemed to be some kind of rugged sarcomas that were tightly packed together. Perhaps those sarcomas had been damaged, or perhaps they had suffered something irreparable in the past. The wounds, no part of the horny surface looked smooth, everything looked rugged and ferocious.
Moreover, the thick “elephant legs” became a little “thin” from top to bottom. Further down, among the rugged horny gaps squeezed by the sarcoma, there were some complete or fragmented legs of different lengths and sizes. Dark red scales grew from the gaps and from the sarcoma.
They were densely illuminated, pieced together into a hideous and terrifying battle armor, and at the very end of the battle armor, the person did not have feet, but two cow hooves reflected at the ankles.
And when looking up, on the upper and thicker part of the elephant’s legs, there are no longer any scales, but in the gap, there is a stripe that seems to be stained with blood. There were long and thin silk hairs. These hairs were twisted and condensed together due to the contamination of blood and mud, and the locks drooped down.
However, when these dark red silk threads spread to the person’s waist, they truly condensed and gradually turned into complete feathers. Those feathers that looked too gorgeous under the red aura covered the person’s slightly-looking body. The upper body is half like an ape, except for the dark horny skin on the breastplate, the rest of the upper body is completely hidden in the red feathers.
When looking carefully, there are dark patterns condensed on those red feathers, which appear into dark red eyes, condensed on each feather. With the shaking of his body, the red feathers are constantly changing. The aura looked like pupils looking in all directions.
As his arms stretched, Chu Weiyang could clearly see that under the thick red feathers, the ape’s half-powerful arms became increasingly slender, finally revealing two dark blue chickens. Claw-like hands.
It was like a real chicken claw, with only these three fingers. At this time, one hand was holding a numb and uneven iron rod. The color of the original material could no longer be seen on the iron rod, and it was all covered with layers. Layers of colorful rust.
And his other hand was constantly stirring in the dim yellow current.
When he looked up, he saw a horse’s face growing on top of this strange figure. And even more, this horse’s face was not the most strange thing about his head.
On both sides of the long and narrow horse face, the cheeks protruded forward in a strange way. When you look closely, they almost protrude into two chins, and on top of those two “chins”, there are two more “chins”. Two mouths.
A sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, like half of a real ape’s face; a cracked lip, fangs turned out, I don’t know what kind of animal it is.
At this moment, the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked half of the face opened his mouth and said.
/“Damn it, which ancient

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