stared at the arrow and checked its attributes.


Name: Dragon Fire Arrow (treasure)
Introduction: This object was refined by the fire dragon Ao Yan with the help of the dragon fire cauldron. Because it contains a little dragon fire, it has the following effects.
Effect 1: Sharp, able to weaken the enemy’s defense somewhat.
Effect 2: Solid. Due to being tempered by dragon fire, its solidity is extraordinary and can be used twenty times in a row.
Effect 3: Burn the body with fierce fire, triggering the inner dragon fire, causing the enemy to be in a state of continuous burning.
After seeing the attributes of the dragon fire arrow, Wei Xiaobei looked at Ao Yan with burning eyes.
There was no way he couldn’t help but feel hot. In Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, Ao Yan turned into a real Baibao!
With such a casual refining, a treasure was actually made.
Isn’t this Baibao Zhenren or something?
To be honest, such a powerful fire dragon as Ao Yan felt inexplicably weak under Wei Xiaobei’s gaze.
Of course, this is because Ao Yan is new to the world and has a simple mind. If he were an old dragon, he might just slap a greedy guy like Wei Xiaobei to death with one claw.
Or just treat Wei Xiaobei as a slave. Anyway, in Long’s eyes, a guy with Wei Xiaobei’s strength is nothing more than an ant.
“It’s simply a magical skill! Please ask Brother Ao to teach Xiaobei.”
At this moment, Wei Xiaobei had an inspiration, and his face was as thick as a city wall. He didn’t care if this was a bit shameless, and he immediately rushed in front of Ao Yan.
There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei hit Ao Yan’s itchy spot.
In terms of the lifespan of dragons, most of them are tens of thousands of years or more. In such a long life, they will learn something if they have nothing to do.
Learn everything from weapon refining to painting, etc.
And Ao Yan’s mother, Yan Jiao, was the leader in this art of weapon refining.
Ao Yan already had wisdom when he was in his mother’s womb. He learned these things from his mother. After he was born, when he lived alone, in order to pass the time, he would refine some things for fun.
As a result, Ao Yan’s weapon refining skills were not as strong as those among dragons, but he could definitely act as a grand master in front of Wei Xiaobei.
Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s admiration for his weapon making, a dragon of Ao Yan’s age felt indescribably happy.
But Ao Yan was not completely stupid. He looked at Wei Xiaobei and twitched his nose twice: “Okay, but it needs to be beneficial.”
Wei Xiaobei immediately started calculating in his mind.
What does this dragon like?
Unparalleled treasure?
Could it be that the pedestal of the fountain of youth was given to this dragon?
If this thing was given away, Wei Xiaobei would definitely feel extremely painful.
But except for this thing, most of the things in the storage bracelet cannot be taken out. The things that can be taken out are the things that Wei Xiaobei must have.
Seeing the confusion on Wei Xiaobei’s face, Ao Yan revealed the answer.
“Show me w

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