t if this ability is further enhanced, walking and running will not be a problem even if there is air underfoot.


A very powerful ability!
/After possessing such an ability, combined with other abilities, such as being as light as a swallow, Wei Xiaobei might not be able to be trapped in most places.
In other words, Wei Xiaobei’s survivability has improved by leaps and bounds from this moment on, reaching a very high level.
After two evolution points are consumed, there are still 16380 points left.
Just when Wei Xiaobei was thinking about which attribute to further enhance, his left hand suddenly shook, and something strange arose in his heart.
The Altar of Life ended its evolution and woke up!
Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel happy, and then he turned his attention to the altar of life and checked its attributes.
Name: Altar of Life (Lingbao)
Introduction: This object is a by-product of the magical power gathered in the mutated farmer’s market. After many evolutions, it formed its own spiritual intelligence and became a spiritual treasure.
Effect 1: Swallow, any material containing energy can be swallowed and converted into reserves. The upper limit of material reserves is 100,000.
Effect 2: Ingest genes. Genes can be ingested through the flesh, blood, bones, etc. of organisms for the purpose of cultivating organisms.
Effect Three: Cultivation. Twenty kinds of basic creatures can be cultivated by consuming a certain amount of materials. The basic biological templates can be eliminated, and forty creatures can be cultivated at one time.
Effect 4: Transformation and modulation. By consuming a certain amount of evolution points or materials, basic organisms can be transformed and modulated, thereby obtaining new basic organisms.
Effect 5: Grant. The host can bestow certain abilities of its own on the basic biological template, but it can only grant one ability. This effect requires the consumption of a certain number of evolution points. If a weakened version of the ability is granted, the consumption of evolution points will be reduced accordingly.
Effect 6: Recognize the host. Recognize the host for the first time and absorb one-third of the host’s blood volume. After recognizing the host, this object will be integrated into the host’s body.
Effect 7: Wake up and evolve. This object can be evolved and enhanced by swallowing treasures. It will no longer sleep during the evolution process.
Effect 8: Buddha’s light, you can set the cultivated creature to have its own Buddha’s light effect, which has a certain damage effect on evil enemies.
Effect 9: Demonization, you can set the cultivated creature to have its own demonic effect, which can cause certain damage to kind enemies.
When Wei Xiaobei read all the attribute tables of the Life Altar, he couldn’t help but feel a little speechless.
It should be said that the changes in this life altar have been quite big.
First of all, the flesh and blood reserve has become a material reserve. That is to say, in addition to flesh and blood, other materials, as

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