

Where does this confidence come from?
It can only be in stock.
Thinking of this, the composers felt a little relieved.
Although, they are still a little envious and jealous, because the pressure of writing songs has made them miserable.
Just half an hour later.
The loudspeaker suddenly sounded again: “Teacher Yang Zhongming has completed the song creation and has chosen the singer Jiang Kui!”
The dark rooms were once again confused.
Why so fast?
Yang Zhongming has also finished writing?
Is he also the owner of inventory?
You two have too much inventory!
Zheng Jing glared at the staff and said, “I don’t believe they wrote the song in one hour. They definitely have it in stock!”
staff member:
I understand the logic, but why are you staring at me?
Looking at Zheng Jing’s mess of broken hair in front of her computer, the staff member said in a strange way: “We have black sesame paste here.”
For hair growth.
Songwriting makes one’s head bald. When the last session was recorded, Black Sesame Paste was a bestseller among the songwriters in Guan Xiaoheiwu.
“Give me a bowl!”
Zheng Jing stared at the computer screen fiercely. She couldn’t even write a chord now: “Two more bottles of Black Bull drinks!”
Damn it!
No sleep tonight!
Regardless of whether they had stock in advance or not, Xianyu and Yang Zhongming completed it first, which made the composers’ heartstrings tighten.
Theoretically speaking, it is possible for a composer to write a good song in an hour when his inspiration breaks out, but now everyone would rather believe that it is nothing than that it exists!
The caliber must be unified!
You two just have the stock!
The show is recorded for one week.
Until November 7th.
The composers completed the composition one after another and rehearsed with the singers.
This program plans to use a combination of recording and live broadcast, that is, the recording part will be played first to let the audience know some behind-the-scenes stories, and then the official stage competition will start.
This is the program format that audiences want most.
/Compared with pure recording, everyone still likes the real-time interaction of watching live broadcast.
And while backstage the songwriters and singers were making final preparations.
The material recorded in the past few days has finally been broadcast.
at the same time.
Netizens can’t wait to watch this episode.
“Finally a fish daddy competition!”
“I haven’t seen Fish Daddy for more than a month and I miss me so much!”
“This issue is interesting, the three major songwriters of Xingmang are competing on the same stage!”
“Mama Zheng is just making up the numbers, mainly looking at the father-son game between Father Yu and Father Yang!”
“Zheng Ma: I don’t want to lose face!”
“I don’t know who wins and who loses.”
“It seems that these two have never lost since the competition, right?”
Since the program competition, Xianyu and Yang Zhongming have not been assigned to the same episode.
As a

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