e looked like a petite woman who met a pervert on the road, which made Wei Xiaobei laugh and scold him.


In the blink of an eye, the two of them returned to the atmosphere they had when they were studying.
“Are you okay now?”
After laughing for a while, Wei Xiaobei looked at Xiong Biao with slightly worried eyes.
/Although Xiong Biao was doing well in the City God’s Temple, from Wei Xiaobei’s point of view, the danger involved might not be small.
Even the City God felt a great crisis, let alone Xiong Biao.
Even if Wei Xiaobei is a fool, he can understand the truth behind it.
Reality has a close connection with the gray world. The existence of the City God Temple is undoubtedly closely related to the incense in reality, and those angels do not appear for no reason.
As long as we look into the contents carefully, Wei Xiaobei will be a little worried about Xiong Biao’s future.
However, in the face of Wei Xiaobei’s worries, Xiong Biao burst into laughter: “You don’t know how happy I am now. When I was studying, I only knew how to study, but now I know what power is.”
Undoubtedly, Xiong Biao likes his current life very much.
Thinking about it, if the current Wei Xiaobei was allowed to go back to his previous life, he would never want to do so, even if his current life was full of dangers.
But having said that, Xiong Biao is much more outgoing now than when he was in school. Hearing Wei Xiaobei’s intention, he drove back the several Yin soldiers who followed Wei Xiaobei, and at the same time asked his Yin soldiers to return to the city. Guard the city gate.
Afterwards, Xiong Biao volunteered to lead the way for Wei Xiaobei.
Well, to be honest, it was much more convenient for Xiong Biao to lead the way than for Wei Xiaobei to find the way by himself.
With one earth escape, Wei Xiaobei was pulled underground by Xiong Biao, and then countless amounts of dirt and darkness rushed towards his face, which really shocked Wei Xiaobei.
Fortunately, he held Xiong Biao’s hand tightly, otherwise, he would have been trapped in the ground and unable to get out.
I don’t know how long it took, but when Xiong Biao jumped up and Wei Xiaobei saw the faint gray light again, there was a gray-white land in front of him, and yellow soil behind him. There was something between the two. A very clear dividing line.
There is no doubt that this is the end of the gray world of Baita County. If you continue to move forward, you will reach the vast white land.
A mountain with white light emitting from its entire body, as bright as the sun, stands on the white land several hundred meters past the dividing line.
This mountain peak is about two hundred meters high, with one layer every thirty meters, like a pyramid, one layer after another, seven layers in total, but the three layers above give people an illusory and unreal feeling.
“I found this Heavenly Mountain after looking for it for a long time. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough, otherwise I would have pulled out this Heavenly Mountain. In that case, hehe, I would be promoted a

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