t the golden wild boar’s body. It had to be said that this strong wind was really difficult to deal with. The further inside, the stronger the wind became, even to the point of blowing away. It can scrape off a layer of the ground in an instant.


After thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei laughed and patted his head. He felt a little confused.
Such simple methods have been forgotten.
He took out a shovel from the storage ring. This shovel was also made by Wei Xiaobei. It was stronger than the real military shovel.
Standing a little outside the strong wind zone, Wei Xiaobei started digging underground.
The ground here is still semi-stoney wood. It would be faster for digging pigs to dig, but to be on the safe side, Wei Xiaobei chose to do it himself.
With Wei Xiaobei’s strength, not to mention the semi-stony wooden ground, even the extremely hard granite can be easily dug as long as the shovel is hard enough.
/Twenty seconds later, Wei Xiaobei’s entire body sank into the ground.
/As soon as a small hole was dug, a strong wind suddenly emerged in the hole. Wei Xiaobei accidentally was blown against the wooden cave wall behind him by the strong wind.
Well, this is just a minor annoyance.
Wei Xiaobei then adopted an up-and-down Z-shaped digging pattern. No matter how strong the wind was, it would blow Wei Xiaobei back a few steps at most and he would be pressed against the cave wall. Wei Xiaobei could use this to keep digging. go ahead.
Five meters, ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters
It has to be said that digging in such a strong wind consumes at least ten times the physical strength as under normal circumstances! At the same time, the distance of this up-and-down Z-shaped excavation mode is more than three times longer than that of straight-line excavation.
After only digging a straight line distance of thirty meters, Wei Xiaobei was sweating profusely. He felt even more exhausted than running a thousand meters while carrying hundreds of tons of weight.
Fortunately, the coverage area of ??this strong wind area is not too large.
After digging a straight line distance of more than fifty meters, the strong wind disappeared. Then, Wei Xiaobei dug straight upward until the ground was dug out.
Wei Xiaobei took a long breath and dug out the last piece of wood above his head, and then a piece of golden light fell down.
When I looked around, I found that the location I dug out was only three meters away from Gulimbursti’s body.
What a powerful wild boar!
At first, looking at the golden wild boar from a distance, he felt some pressure, but at such a close distance, Wei Xiaobei could really feel the powerful aura emanating from the golden wild boar’s carcass.
Even though Gulimbursti has been dead for a long time, his body is still filled with a strong breath of life and a special breath.
At the same time, the altar of life also became excited, trying to spit out shreds of flesh and swallow up the corpse of Gulimbursti.
But the reaction of the Life Altar was suppressed by Wei Xiaobei.
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