

Descendants of the Scarab!
The same shell, the same six articulated legs, the same tentacles.
Except for the body shape, shell color, and butt proportions that are several times larger, most of the details of this giant monster are identical to those of those fist-sized scarabs.
Fortunately, although Wei Xiaobei was a little dizzy from the shock, he did not forget to check the battle description. If he was affected by the opponent’s vibration and cry, the corresponding information would appear in the battle description.
Combat description: You were attacked by a sonic wave from the four-star elite monster Bright Scarab, and you were in a negative state, dizzy and attenuated.
Four-star elite monster Bright Scarab!
/Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be a little stunned, feeling that his luck had become bad recently.
A four-star elite monster, a powerful monster that was only a small level lower than Long Bo’s people, appeared in front of him.
You know, the big tree spirit is just a three-star terrifying creature.
Bright scarab?
Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, and the only thing that could be associated with this kind of monster was the Holy Relic of Christ.
But the problem is that the holy blood scarab, which is a holy relic of Christ, is a finger-sized beetle, and it is too far from the bright scarab.
Maybe some kind of monster in the game?
When Wei Xiaobei thought of this, he was stunned. It seemed that something had caught him. But after a blink of an eye, he smiled and shook his head. If this gray world is a game, then the existence of this game would be too scary. .
Besides, there must be players in the game. As far as the humans I have seen so far are basically dead.
Feeling dizzy, Wei Xiaobei temporarily put this thought aside. This gray world would not be as simple as he imagined.
In fact, compared to Wei Xiaobei, the previous cry was just a moment of dizziness. Those fire crows hovering over the Fiery Red Mountains were unlucky for eight lifetimes. When the bright scarab screamed, they felt as if they were hit hard. The flames on his body converged and fell down like raindrops.
Fortunately, less than thirty meters below them is the top of the Fiery Red Mountain Range. Even if they fall, they will not fall to death. At most, they will be disgraced.
After all, for these fire crows, even if their bodies fall out of control, they can still avoid excessive damage during the impact. Besides, with the physique of the fire crows, they really can’t sustain much damage from this impact.
The bright scarab screamed again. This time Wei Xiaobei was experienced. When he saw the huge bright scarab lifting its heavy body with its front two pairs of limbs, he immediately covered his ears and pressed against the sand. .
The high-pitched screams swept through the sand like a storm. Wei Xiaobei covered his ears. He only touched the edges a little and felt a little dizzy. This shows how painful the fire crows facing each other must be.
But this scream is not the method used by the Bright Scarab to atta

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