is place, there are no spar mines.


It didn’t take long for Leviathan’s tentacles extending into the sea to meet their opponents.
A huge electric eel may be sleeping on the seabed, or it may be looking for food. In short, it accidentally got entangled in Leviathan’s tentacles.
Even for Leviathan, this electric eel is pretty big.
A big guy with a body length of more than one hundred meters.
When the tentacles came into contact with the electric eel, the spikes penetrated deeply, frantically drawing out the electric eel’s flesh and blood.
The extremely powerful electric current was released from the electric eel in an instant, turning all the entangled tentacles into charcoal. A considerable part of the electric current flowed up the tentacles, and in the blink of an eye, Leviathan’s entire body was electrified and glowed blue.
Good guy!
Wei Xiaobei felt that the voltage on Leviathan’s body had exceeded 30,000 volts at this time.
If it were any other creature, the current rushing up would have been fatal.
Although there was a burnt smell coming from Leviathan’s body, the burnt tentacles fell off, and new tentacles stretched out, continuing to fish towards the bottom of the sea. At the same time, the twelve flying dragons landed on Leviathan’s back. , turned into huge hard cocoons again.
That electric eel must be a demon king.
Wei Xiaobei made this judgment easily.
Wei Xiaobei will not interfere in the battle between Leviathan and the electric eel.
If a four-star elite Leviathan couldn’t even defeat a three-star elite Electric Eel Demon King, then Wei Xiaobei would have no choice but to use this Leviathan as a high-end means of transportation.
/There is no doubt that being caught by tentacles is a great insult to the electric eel demon king, at least in its own eyes.
After discharging once and turning all the tentacles into coke, the Electric Eel Demon King rushed forward in the direction of the tentacles.
The Electric Eel Demon King was very fast and rushed out of the sea in the blink of an eye.
Good guy!
There is no doubt that the Electric Eel Demon King was a little surprised when he looked at Leviathan, which was a circle bigger than him.
There is no demonic aura around him, but his body is stronger than his own. What kind of demon is this?
Leviathan has no independent consciousness of its own, and all its actions are carried out in accordance with the orders issued by Wei Xiaobei.
For example, if Wei Xiaobei lets it collect energy and nutrients, it will extend its tentacles toward the seabed to hunt creatures along the way, or to fish for some special minerals.
If threatened, it will fight back.
In Leviathan’s judgment, this electric eel demon king was both a threat and a creature with extremely high energy nutrition, so its tentacles immediately moved toward the electric eel demon king again.
The Electric Eel Demon King, who was treated like this one after another, suddenly became furious. Electricity surged from his body, and countless small arcs were drawn out, covering Leviathan

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