o leave.


But I didn’t expect that the other party wouldn’t let me go. Well, in this case, don’t blame me for being rude.
That man’s marksmanship was really good. Even though he was more than three hundred meters away and the light was dim, the bullets he fired actually hit Wei Xiaobei continuously.
Feeling the dull sound of the bullet hitting his body, Wei Xiaobei made a fist with his right hand and punched it towards the sea.
With a loud noise, Wei Xiaobei hit the sea surface with his right fist. The force of more than three thousand tons caused the sea surface to set off a huge wave of more than 20 meters high in an instant.
This huge wave then rushed towards the direction of the speedboat.
The sudden appearance of the huge wave frightened the people on the speedboat, and the driver was desperately trying to deviate from the route of the huge wave.
But at this time, it was too late. In the blink of an eye, a huge wave crashed down and hit the speedboat.
However, the speedboat had already rotated to an angle at this time, and it was pointed sideways at the huge wave. As a result, the speedboat was instantly hit by the huge wave and fell into the sea several meters deep. After that, the speedboat could no longer withstand the huge wave. With the force of the impact, the fiberglass hull collapsed instantly and was smashed into countless pieces.
The speedboat was smashed into pieces. Those on the speedboat had no chance of survival. Some had their internal organs exploded by the pressure, some were pierced into hedgehogs by the fragments, and some were pressed to the deck and directly killed. All the internal organs were squeezed out.
In short, the ways of death can be described as bizarre.
It should be said that the coast guard speedboat that was chasing from a distance was startled when it saw the sudden huge wave, and then slowed down the speed of the boat. When they arrived here, they could only see some debris floating on the sea. .
“What’s going on? Why did a huge wave suddenly come?”
Looking at the calm sea, all the marine police officers couldn’t help but turn pale.
As professionals who have been at sea for a long time, these coast guards naturally know a lot about some myths and legends about the sea.
This sudden huge wave, after smashing the smuggling speedboat, was calm again. In their minds, they were undoubtedly linked to the Sea Dragon King, Mazu and other sea gods.
After everyone couldn’t help but swallow their saliva, they carefully began to collect the debris floating on the sea.
Not to mention that the coast police were busy collecting evidence left behind by the smuggling speedboats, it was just that Wei Xiaobei got into the sea water after the huge waves hit him, hiding his figure.
Those smugglers will naturally die as hard as they can.
And Wei Xiaobei didn’t want the coast guards to find him. He dived more than ten nautical miles into the sea and left China’s territorial waters before emerging from the sea and continuing his journey.
When he reached the high seas, Wei Xia

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