sumed too much, the space will end up falling apart and disintegrating!


This truth becomes clear when you think about it.
Therefore, if the seraphs were allowed to continuously attack the fireball, the fate of Wei Xiaobei’s space was foreseeable.
Without the slightest hesitation, Wei Xiaobei pulled off a necklace hanging around his neck and threw it towards the seraph.
At first, the seraph didn’t notice the approach of the necklace at all, but when it was within a hundred meters, the necklace expanded instantly, and in an instant it turned into a huge pier heading towards the seraph. Smash it down!
Of course, the seraph immediately waved his sword and headed towards this huge pier.
From the perspective of the seraph, his long sword is indestructible, and any object will be split in half by the white light attached to the long sword!
Indeed, although this huge dock is a mutant, its biological level is only a four-star elite after spending so long. Its body is extremely hard, but it is really a little bit behind against this indestructible white light.
But this mutated dock was not hanging around Wei Xiaobei’s neck for so long just for fun.
Whenever Wei Xiaobei was free every day, he would seep real mercury from his skin and pour it into the mutated dock.
Apart from the fresh flesh and blood, this real mercury is probably the only food that the mutant dock can eat.
Due to Wei Xiaobei’s long-term watering of true mercury, although the biological level of this mutated dock has not improved much, the amount of true mercury stored in its body is more than a hundred times that of Wei Xiaobei!
/Of course, although Wei Xiaobei will consume a lot of real mercury for this purpose, the real mercury does not disappear after consumption. On the contrary, the more real mercury Wei Xiaobei consumes, the more real mercury will be produced when he recovers later. More!
Therefore, when the white light hit the mutated dock, a ball of silver-white real mercury immediately poured out from the contact surface, killing the white light!
The mutated dock was not cut in half by the white light. Its huge and heavy body continued to fall towards the seraph, forcing the seraph to dodge in embarrassment.
Even Wei Xiaobei himself would not believe that the mutated dock could smash Seraphim down in just one move.
You know, seraphs are bird-men with wings! No matter what, he is much more agile than mutants of buildings such as the mutated dock.
However, as the mutated dock hit the ground, the range of activities of the seraph was immediately reduced a lot.
As I said before, Wei Xiaobei’s space is extremely crude, with a diameter of only more than a thousand meters, and this mutant dock has completely stretched his body to a length of more than 700 meters!
In other words, the mutant dock falls in space, and its length is two-thirds of the space!
The next battle can fully prove this point.
After the seraph dodged the mutated dock, a white beam of light fell down, but it was blocked by the real mercury on the mutated dock.

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