will be really troublesome.


Wei Xiaobei looked at it for a while, couldn’t help but frowned and said, “That armored ship is in trouble.”
In trouble?
Hearing what Wei Xiaobei said, the two women looked around. Probably because of the strength of the needle girl, she couldn’t find anything. However, the snow girl did notice something and asked with some hesitation: “Sir, you said there is something.” storm?”
Wei Xiaobei nodded, but then shook his head: “There is a storm, but the trouble is not the storm, but the things that appear in the storm.”
Wei Xiaobei’s words made the two women a little confused after hearing Wei Xiaobei’s words. They cast their eyes on the sea again, trying to see the trouble that Wei Xiaobei said.
But it is impossible to find anything on this vast sea with the naked eye.
However, just when the armored ship was more than five nautical miles away from the small ship, and the naked eye could blur the sight, dark clouds began to gather rapidly in the sky, and the wind and waves on the sea became stronger.
/Waves of waves grew from small to large, rolling on the sea.
It was really difficult for the small boat under Wei Xiaobei’s feet to withstand such wind and waves, but fortunately, the place where the boat was located was not in the center of the wind and waves.
And the center of the storm appeared near the armored ship!
To put it simply, this sudden storm was a bit weird. Its scope was relatively narrow, and it only appeared within a radius of less than one nautical mile centered on the ironclad ship.
I have to say, this is indeed a bit weird.
You must know that maritime weather like storms is not like showers in mountainous areas. Once it breaks out, the affected area is calculated in hundreds of nautical miles. Larger storms can even occupy half of the ocean. How can there be such a small radius? To a range of one nautical mile?
Even if the Snow Girl and Needle Girl don’t know much about these things, they can still see that there seems to be some problems hidden in it.
It has to be said that this storm seems to have a small impact area, but in fact its power is not small. Within its impact area, the waves rolled up are astonishingly thirty meters high!
To say that the tonnage of the armored ship is indeed a bit small, every time a wave hits the armored ship, it can tilt the armored ship to a considerable extent, and its tilt angle even reaches more than 45 degrees!
Don’t underestimate this inclination. You must know that for most ships, if the inclination reaches 45 degrees in wind and waves, there is basically a great chance of capsizing!
This ironclad ship was able to survive such an inclination angle without capsizing. It can only be said that the structure of the warship itself is more resistant to wind and waves.
But amidst such repeated tilting and swaying, there was also a terrible sound of metal twisting coming from the old ironclad ship.
If this situation continues, this ironclad ship may disintegrate on its own in less than half an hour.
The most terrible thing is

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