Wei Xiaobei, all these difficulties were just a waste of time.


Sitting on the edge of the quagmire, Wei Xiaobei’s three minds were running simultaneously, constantly adding part of Wei Xiaobei’s genes into the mutant ivy gene chain, and then testing the finished product.
In just one hour, Wei Xiaobei failed thousands of times.
But such a failure was valuable. After an hour and a half, Wei Xiaobei obtained a mutant ivy that could fully withstand a temperature of 300 degrees. At the same time, the vines of this mutant ivy could withstand the high temperature of Seraphim’s blood for fifteen minutes. Second! After fifteen seconds, the vines will be burned.
This is enough.
Soon, new mutant ivy seeds were planted on the edge of the quagmire, and were watered with Wei Xiaobei’s blood to give birth.
In fact, when the vines of these mutant ivy spread to the seraphs and began to draw the seraphs’ blood, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the vines had withstood the high-temperature blood of the seraphs for thirty seconds!
This result was different from Wei Xiaobei’s previous calculation. Although this result was a benign difference, Wei Xiaobei also searched for the reason.
/The reason was soon discovered by Wei Xiaobei. Simply put, it was because of the benefits of watering the seeds with Wei Xiaobei’s blood that the mutant ivy spawned had enhanced resistance to high temperatures.
The hollow spikes were inserted into the body of the seraph, constantly drawing out the white blood, transporting it along the vines to the roots, and then pouring it into the soil.
Thirty seconds later, the vines used by the mutant ivy to extract blood will be burned, but new vines have already spread over and pierced the seraph’s body with spikes.
Well, to put it bluntly, this is a cyclical process. The mutant ivy continuously draws out the blood of the Seraphim and blends it into the soil, and Wei Xiaobei’s space benefits from this.
After the blood of the seraphs cools in the soil, it will continue to penetrate into the entire land. With the efforts of the fireball, it will be decomposed into basic elements, causing the space to begin to grow.
Well, the current seraphs are completely bound in the space, providing blood containing massive amounts of positive energy to promote the growth of the space.
Undoubtedly, if the Seraphim knew what would happen to him after being admitted to this space, he would probably break through and leave this space when he first entered the space, instead of entangled with Wei Xiaobei, and finally ended up like this.
In this way, the blood of the seraphs will be continuously extracted until they are completely destroyed.
This method of utilization is much better than killing the Seraphim directly, and the space will gain more growth from this.
From this point of view, Wei Xiaobei has made a lot of money.
However, even so, the look on Wei Xiaobei’s face was not very good.
Due to the need to restrain the seraphs, the mutant dock and the ink gun cannot be taken out of the space for the time being.
This great

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