quite lethal.


The soul is out of the body, and if you are not careful, it may disappear into ashes.
Fortunately, it was just the peripheral vision at this time. If Wei Xiaobei’s soul came out of his body when the sun was shining high, I am afraid that his soul would be burned into nothingness by the sunlight in an instant!
This is no joke.
The soul naturally belongs to yin, while the sun belongs to yang.
It is recorded in Taoist classics that sunlight contains the true fire of the sun and the purple energy of the sun. Every morning before the sun rises, the ancient qigong masters will choose cliffs and high mountains. When the sun’s true fire is not born, it absorbs the sun’s purple energy in the sunlight to refine the energy and body.
I won’t say much about the purple energy of the sun here, only that the true fire of the sun, even the ancient Qi refiners would not dare to absorb it easily. This thing can burn the soul and destroy the soul, and is the best sun in the world!
Only the Qi Refiners who have refined Yang Shen dare to touch this object.
But the problem is that although the ancient qi masters are not as powerful as the Sanqing, many of them are also powerful at driving mountains and reclaiming seas!
Don’t you see, ghosts need to hide in dark places before the sun rises, otherwise, they will end up in a state of confusion.
Wei Xiaobei patiently stood up and forced the real mercury to move through the meridians in his body for a long time.
This is Wei Xiaobei’s daily practice, but in order to pass the time, Wei Xiaobei changed the time from early morning to now.
A long day had passed, and Wei Xiaobei felt refreshed. When he looked at the sky, it was already extremely dark.
At this time, there was no light pollution in Cuihu City. Only the bright moon hanging in the sky shed its bright moonlight, allowing people to see the surrounding environment.
Sitting down again, Wei Xiaobei cupped his hands on his abdomen and closed his eyes. Soon, his soul poked out of his head again.
Not only was the soul unharmed by the sun this time, Wei Xiaobei felt cool and comfortable after the soul came out.
Looking again, in the moonlight scattered by the bright moon in the sky, countless silver particles slowly fell, and the coolness and comfort that Wei Xiaobei felt came from this.
This is?
Taiyin Zhenjing?
Wei Xiaobei finally understood.
This moon has been called Taiyin since ancient times. The moonlight contains the true essence of Taiyin, also known as Moonlight.
/This moonlight can be said to be a great tonic for monsters and ghosts.
There are such records in many Taoist classics that the demon emperor was born from the liquid and prospered with the moonlight!
The meaning of this sentence is that monsters are born from the absorption of emperor ooze by all things, and they become stronger by absorbing moonlight.
Wei Xiaobei didn’t know what the so-called Yang God looked like, but he also understood that his soul was probably far from the so-called Yang God now. It was completely Yin attribute.

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