nd sharpness.


Apart from the ink gun, this dagger is most suitable for dissecting golden boars.
This is also a helpless thing. The ink gun is of course the sharpest. Basically, the ink gun can penetrate everything Wei Xiaobei has ever seen. But the problem is that the ink gun has its own evolutionary ability, like a golden boar. If such a high-end product is used to treat a golden wild boar with an ink gun, most of its flesh and blood will probably be swallowed up by the ink gun!
Wei Xiaobei had arranged many uses for this golden wild boar, so how could he be willing to just let it be swallowed up by the ink gun.
But the golden boar’s fur is so tough that Wei Xiaobei couldn’t even leave a trace on it with the sharpest black and silver sword. Before entering the gray world, Wei Xiaobei was helping his apprentices refine weapons. When he was there, he simply made himself a dagger specially used to dissect high-end corpses!
In order to deal with the carcass of this golden wild boar, Wei Xiaobei even searched for some information on the Internet and learned some knowledge about killing pigs and skinning them.
After touching the golden boar’s chest and finding the right spot, Wei Xiaobei stabbed the golden boar’s chest with the fire dragon dagger in his right hand!
By poking it in from this position, you can directly insert it into the heart of the pig and release all the pig blood as quickly as possible to prevent the pork from being stained with the taste of hot blood. In that case, the pork will not taste good.
But with this stab, the dagger, which could easily cut off an iron rod as thick as a finger, only penetrated the pig’s skin a little, and there was huge resistance, making Wei Xiaobei’s stab no longer able to penetrate further.
Pigskin is so tough!
Wei Xiaobei knew this, but the problem was that when Wei Xiaobei looked at the chest of the golden wild boar, he couldn’t help but sigh. Even the fire dragon dagger only penetrated the pig’s skin a little, not even the skin. Completely exposed!
Wei Xiaobei really didn’t expect this.
You know, for things like animal skins, it is normal for the skin to be tough when the beast is alive, but after the beast dies, its skin cannot be as tough as it was when it was alive.
But this golden boar is still extremely tough even after it has been dead for so many years.
However, compared to the past when avant-garde Xiaobei couldn’t even break open the skin, the current situation is much better.
As long as the pigskin is broken open a little, Wei Xiaobei can finish the rest.
I’m just afraid that the skin won’t be able to break even a little bit, and that would be troublesome.
In the following time, Wei Xiaobei completely abandoned the pig-killing method he learned online.
Well, the method of killing pigs is definitely good for dealing with domestic pigs, but it is completely unreliable for dealing with this golden wild boar.
A knife through the heart?
/Are you kidding me?
Wei Xiaobei suspected that when his strength increased to 130 points, he might not be able

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