an even be said that victory is within reach!


The Seraphim was extremely satisfied with his counterattack, and a smile appeared on his face.
But the next moment, the smile solidified on the Seraph’s face.
Seraphim could clearly feel a pair of hands grabbing his shoulders!
how come?
I am now in light body form! It is impossible for any entity to touch itself!
But at this moment, Wei Xiaobei really grabbed the Seraphim’s shoulders.
To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was a little worried before this, but one of the characteristics of the ink gloves, the invisible capture, actually achieved the effect on the light body of the Seraph!
When the enemy is touched by the glove, it will be invisibly recognized as a humanoid with the same size as the host!
This ability effect has been used by Wei Xiaobei in the past to deal with creatures that are much larger than himself, and it can be said that it is invincible.
Under the effect of these gloves, as long as those giant creatures are caught by Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei can ignore the difference in size. As long as the strength is enough, he can grab the opponent and carry out a series of attacks!
That’s why, after Wei Xiaobei saw the Seraph’s body turned into a light body, he did not dodge the swords thrust by the Seraph, but put his hands on the Seraph’s shoulders!
It has to be said that Wei Xiaobei’s behavior can be regarded as the most risky one since entering the gray world.
If the glove could not touch the Seraphim, then Wei Xiaobei would have suffered these two blows in vain!
Wei Xiaobei, who had been hit so hard, would have only two endings to choose from once he was attacked continuously by Seraphim.
One is to fight to the death, but this process can only last a few seconds at most.
The second is to abandon the space and escape.
If he chooses this ending, then all Wei Xiaobei’s previous efforts will be completely dissipated. Not only will he lose a space, a ray of mind and a mind, he may even be chased to death by the Seraphim!
/You know, given the Valkyrie’s previous attitude, Wei Xiaobei really didn’t dare to ask for help from the Valkyrie.
Well, no matter what, Wei Xiaobei succeeded in his gamble this time!
When Wei Xiaobei put his hands on his shoulders, he was considered a god! Wei Xiaobei wants the other party to see what national martial arts is!
Seraph didn’t even react at all. Wei Xiaobei’s hands slid down and grabbed Seraph’s elbows. Then Seraph felt himself flying up. In an instant, his body lost space and he watched helplessly. Then he crashed into several flames flying towards him.
Boom boom boom!
Continuous explosions were heard, and Wei Xiaobei and Seraph were submerged in the flames.
The six relatives did not recognize the attack of the flames. There was no setting in the game where friendly forces could not be harmed. Even Wei Xiaobei himself would be hurt if he was hit by the flames.
But Wei Xiaobei perfectly blocked most of the damage with the seraph’s light body!
The light body of Seraphim can withstand more than half of the ele

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