a standard young man, Ye Langcheng has never suffered such a big loss. He was kicked unconscious on the highway, laughed at by a kid here, and finally despised by a girl.


Lowering his head and looking around on the ground, Ye Langcheng picked up a brick that fell on the ground and was about to rush towards Zhu Xinyi.
/At this point, I don’t care about any girls anymore, I’ll just say what’s in my heart first.
But what Ye Langcheng never expected was that as soon as he took two steps, he saw Zhu Xinyi and several zombies appearing at the corner of the street behind Huang Kun.
Ye Langcheng couldn’t suppress the fear in his heart about this thing. Just one end of this thing is enough, how come there are still several ends coming out!
The tree saplings slowly moving behind the zombies made Ye Langcheng feel that his outlook on life had collapsed.
What exactly is going on?
The saplings are moving!
Are you dreaming?
There’s a ghost!
Before Ye Langcheng could do anything, his two brothers pulled Ye Langcheng from behind and ran away.
There are so many monsters, but you still stand there and fuck your hair!
It has to be said that Ye Langcheng’s two brothers are much more decisive than him in making judgments.
Of course, he was so decisive that he failed to tell that these monsters were actually controlled by humans.
The three of them ran wildly and finally disappeared at the end of the street.
Seeing this scene, Huang Kun was a little bit dumbfounded: “These three idiots, I really don’t know what to say about them.”
Although Zhu Xinyi’s face was a little cold, there was a hint of unbearableness in her words: “A person was bitten by a zombie.”
“That’s what they deserve. It’s best to die in the gray world, so as not to go back to reality and harm so many people.”
Huang Kun had no good impression of Ye Langcheng and the others from the beginning to the end, so his mouth became quite venomous.
At this time, Wei Xiaobei rushed over and was relieved to see Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun safe.
It’s not that Wei Xiaobei can’t let him go, but the two of them are his disciples after all, and they won’t let themselves be so lonely in the gray world, so Wei Xiaobei doesn’t want anything to happen to them.
“What happened?”
Wei Xiaobei asked and learned what happened before from Huang Kun.
Shaking his head, Wei Xiaobei patted Zhu Xinyi on the shoulder: “This is also their own destiny. It would be good if everyone who enters the gray world can take care of themselves and come out alive.”
Zhu Xinyi did not reply, with a slight blush on her face and nodded.
After looking at Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun, and Wei Xiaobei, they felt that they were in good spirits, so they pulled out their bone knives and took the lead, preparing to explore the surroundings of the martial arts hall.
Although Wei Xiaobei had activated a sensor search when he was in the martial arts arena before, in order to save energy, he only looked within a few tens of meters around Zhu Xinyi and the two of them, and did not pay attention to other directi

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