he talk of many parties.


Unlike when Hel left Fansai, this time Hel was riding in a luxurious carriage, accompanied not only by Lida, but also by two bodyguards and two servants.
The carriage he was riding in was specially made by Lida’s father for long-distance travel. It looked quite ordinary on the outside, but the interior decoration was extremely exquisite.
In order to reach Fansai as early as possible, they set off at seven o’clock every morning. At this speed, it only takes five days to reach Fansai.
The long stream of traffic stretched far into the distance, but not a single car could be seen on the avenue in the opposite direction, only pedestrians walking around.
Hull opened the window and sprinkled a handful of coppers. He saw many pedestrians running over quickly, scrambling to pick up the copper coins on the ground. Hull took out a few more silver coins and stacked them in his palms, and asked : “Who can tell me what happened before?”
“The road ahead is blocked.” Someone immediately said.
“It won’t be open before seven o’clock in the evening. I heard that it is to welcome Beru’s envoy.” Another person said in more detail.
Hull threw the silver coins to the person who answered in detail, then smiled at the guy who spoke first and said: “Remember, for many things, faster is not always better. It won’t hurt to be more attentive.”
After retracting his head back into the car, Hull ordered the driver to turn around. He had no interest in waiting until night. Instead of doing this, it would be better to go back to the previous town and stay in the town for a day, rather than wasting a dozen here. Hour.
There were many people who had the same idea as Hull, so as soon as he returned to the town, he found that it was particularly lively. Rows of various carriages were parked in the open space outside the town, forming a circle.
The town is right next to the main road. It is much smaller than Sherut. This small town is located on the main traffic road. It seems that there are only a few dozen families, and each family owns an industry.
Most of the restaurants and hotels here are, besides, there are blacksmith shops and carriage shops, so during the day your ears are always disturbed by the tinkling sound of forging iron.
There are also some shops selling local specialties in the town. These things originally did not make Hull care too much, but now he and Lida happened to be alone, passing the time by visiting these shops.
/Unexpectedly, during this visit, he found a lot of good things, the best of which were fungi. The price of this thing is much higher than the same weight of gold, and it is difficult to get. Of course, you have to get such a good thing.
Hull immediately bargained with the family who collected the fungus cubes. He didn’t care how much money they had to pay. What he cared about was how much the family could give him. Hull wanted to buy it all, but the other party was not willing.
While the two people were arguing fiercely, someone suddenly broke in: “Yeah – this seems to be a fresh

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