

Is this Amilton Croseau the same Amilton Croseau? Hull felt a little confused. This mysterious man who was an adviser to the crown prince and claimed to be Amilton Croseau definitely didn’t look like a foolhardy person, let alone the one mentioned in the evaluation. Said so aggressively.
Could this be another conspiracy? A conspiracy that made him think that the person colluding with the tribunal was the Crown Prince?
If this was indeed a conspiracy, it would be almost obvious who designed it.
There are three forces in collusion between the Beru Empire and the Holy See. One is Buster, and the other two are the cabinet and the military. Behind the military is actually His Majesty the Beru Emperor. There are no rumors about anything between the father and son. It is a contradiction, and with Beru’s relatively simple political structure, if the emperor is not satisfied with the crown prince, he can completely cancel his inheritance rights without resorting to any conspiracy.
Then, the only one left who can and will do this is the cabinet. The leader of the cabinet is the Imperial Prime Minister Besmo.
Is it Bass Mo? Or the crown prince? Hull kept thinking about these two possibilities in his mind. He even wanted to capture Mr. Croseau or the crown prince and use magic to extract their memories, but this was probably not possible. It might be possible to kill these two people, but if you want to capture them alive, you have to let the Immortal King take action.
On the other side, those experts and scholars have already compared the records brought by Rams with the rubbings in front of them.
/“Most of the sentences make sense.”
“Of course. If the order is too scattered, there is no way to interpret it. The person who did this is not a fool. Even if he doesn’t want others to know the real content, his ultimate goal is still to put these things together. Things translate.”
“There are some sentences here that match up. Using these two rubbings, we should be able to spell out a slightly more correct original rubbing. I didn’t expect that we would still have to play jigsaw puzzles at our age.”
“Get out of the way. This kind of thing has to be done by this expert. The pottery shards and slates I excavated in the Sinai Peninsula were even more broken than this one. In the end, you didn’t ask me to put them back together?”
A bearded man who looked more like a coolie than a scholar squeezed in and said, holding a pen in one hand and a ruler in the other.
/“This doesn’t seem difficult. The inscriptions will only appear on the stone tablets, and the words on the stone tablets are generally a whole. Now we have to see whether this is the inscription on one tablet or on several tablets. Things that have been rubbed. Judging from the number of rubbings, it is more likely that there will be a tablet, which will be much simpler.
“There are only eleven pieces of paper in total. There are forty-five of us here, divided into eleven groups, each group of four people. One of them is responsible for coordinating with ea

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