chools are not maintained solely by charging fees to teach martial arts.


On this day, Wei Xiaobei was tortured by the spoon-feeding education. What originally took at least half a year to gradually teach, Zhang Zhilong taught 20% of it in just one day. According to this progress, it can take at most a week. It can perform dozens of basic skills such as stamping the legs, blowing the air, exerting force, etc., as well as various pile skills, and various large and small frames.
To be honest, seeing how quickly Zhang Zhilong taught the method, even senior brother Liu Jiancheng, who was competing with Dashu on the side, became somewhat interested in Wei Xiaobei.
To be honest, after becoming a disciple, none of the three brothers had worked hard on this basic aspect for more than a year.
At 11:30 p.m., Wei Xiaobei said goodbye to his master and brothers, as he still had to work the night shift.
Yao Wu took the initiative to send Wei Xiaobei there, making Wei Xiaobei look at the third senior brother in a different light.
It should be said that these three senior brothers look very low-key and don’t talk much at ordinary times, but they are quite caring about others.
Wei Xiaobei is now quite passionate about Baji Quan.
/Since Bajiquan has been improved to a certain extent in the attribute panel, Wei Xiaobei’s understanding of Bajiquan has actually reached a new level, and Zhang Zhilong’s spoon-feeding education has just made up for Wei Xiaobei’s understanding of Bajiquan. Lack of knowledge.
After handing over the shift with his colleagues, Wei Xiaobei walked around the power distribution room, copied the data, and then sat at his desk.
This place is not suitable for practicing the basic skills of Bajiquan. The bottom is covered with thick steel plates. If nothing else, the sound caused by just stamping your feet will probably attract people from outside.
It seems that I should change my job.
After Wei Xiaobei sighed softly, his attention turned away.
Should I enter the gray world and earn some evolution points?
It should be said that Wei Xiaobei initially had thoughts of repulsion and fear towards the gray world. Although he took the initiative to enter once and downplayed many of his repulsive thoughts, Wei Xiaobei still had some subconscious feelings of repulsion towards the gray world. Residue.
But now, Bajiquan, which he originally didn’t understand at all, has completely changed after investing 100 evolution points. This change has completely eliminated Wei Xiaobei’s rejection of the gray world. If Wei Xiaobei was not working the night shift, Wei Xiaobei would even Yu Du wanted to buy a bottle of liquor.
/Being able to make such a big change in himself, the gray world has changed from a terrifying place to a blessed place in Wei Xiaobei’s subconscious!
A blessed land where you can harvest evolution points, and a large number of evolution points will bring about earth-shaking changes in your life!
This was quite a thrill for Wei Xiaobei, who had spent half of his life as a diaosi.
In fact, everyone has

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