trayed and even Yu Neodymium Chen’s sky dragon has been swallowed, why not attack everyone? You must know that everyone is at their most vulnerable now, and the sky dragon doesn’t need anything else but a claw in the air. But why doesn’t Rocky even look at them?


The most puzzling thing is, when did Rocky change his name? What is Zhu Jiuyin called?
The Suzaku represents the Winged Dragon. He walked away first when he was about to kill them. Then the sky dragons devoured each other and ran away with Zhu Jiuyin. What does this mean?
/Just when Xue Na kept thinking, everyone saw that there was no longer any enemy around, and they relaxed completely. Although all this was a bit inexplicable, it did not hinder what they wanted to do at the moment, which was to fight with Her relatives wanted to talk to each other, and the nearest Yun Neodymium had already rushed towards her parents in tears.
Xue Na suddenly came back to her senses. She shouted almost in horror: “Wait, wait, don’t go there! They have already”
Before she could finish her words, Yun Nudichen had already thrown herself into the arms of her mother, a beautiful middle-aged woman in her forties. This beautiful woman also had tears on her face and was holding her daughter in one hand. The other hand turned into a pitch black sharp knife, and it pierced into the left side of Yu Neodymium Chen’s chest, piercing the heart.
“He has been transformed into a traitor!”
Yu Neochen hugged her mother, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in her chest. Xue Na’s voice came to her ears. In an instant, her tears came out.
How could a woman as smart as her not guess what all this was like?
As early as when she was forced to enter the fantasy land of the ruins of Atlandis, when she heard what Yang Xuguang and the others said, she had already begun to feel uneasy, because the transformation process of the betrayer, whether it was for living people or souls, Both are applicable. After the transformation is completed, there will be no memory of the transformation. Daily life will be the same as usual, without any abnormal existence.
Only by waiting for the right time to trigger a certain code or something else embedded in the body when being transformed, then the person will completely lose his mind and will only act like a puppet, doing whatever the controller wants. , and after the matter is completed, this life will no longer exist, and no trace of it will be found.
This betrayer is something that even Xena doesn’t know about. It doesn’t seem to be a technology created by the Three-Eyed Tribe. Maybe there are some geniuses in the World Government, or it may be for other reasons. In short, as long as you go through the traitor transformation, then this person will only be left with four words: helpless.
If so, what about her father, mother, and their relatives? Is it possible to be safe?
/Maybe they won’t appear again, so in order to cover up the fact that they were forced to kill them, the world government may still treat their relatives well, and maybe they can let thei

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