ad already held up the same golden light shield. The sharp blades in the hands of the divine warriors slashed on the golden light shield, leaving no trace at all.


On the opposite side, the elders of the Blood Vengeance Brotherhood and the Soul-Eating Sect rained down attack magic like raindrops, but they also failed to shake these golden light shields at all.
“Golden Diamond Curtain”
Everyone gasped. Even if they wanted to believe it now, it was impossible for these people wearing blood baptism robes to be super magicians. Being able to instantly cast the top protective magic of “Golden Diamond Curtain” was definitely not the case. They can handle it.
But what frightened them more was Hel sitting on the chair. Now everyone finally saw Hel wearing a crown on his head.
This time no one could laugh, no one even felt ridiculous, but quite a few people wanted to cry.
No one knows what the crown is, but as we all know, any magical device made into a crown will never be simple.
“Mr. Musk.”
The priest of the Blood Vengeance Brotherhood called Hel’s alias with unusual hesitation.
At this moment, he already knew how wrong the old men at the top of the blood feud were. People like the Red Duke should have been abandoned long ago.
“Maybe we should have a talk,” the priest said bravely.
Hull nodded, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “I agree with you, we really should have a good talk, but I am really tired, so you can talk to my agent.”
Hel recited a spell from the notes given to him by the Immortal King. These spells were very strange. They were written in a language he did not recognize. The spells did not sound like human speech at all, but more like The beast roars.
This low, hoarse roar made everyone present extremely panicked. They could tell that it was a curse, but no one knew what kind of text it was.
The panic soon turned into deep-seated fear, because a door frame made of piles of bones appeared in front of them. This bone door frame was not only weird, but also full of evil feeling.
Some people have begun to flee. The people here are all experts. Of course, they understand that this kind of spell composed of a language they have never heard of before is summoned in such a “gorgeous” and “magnificent” way. It’s definitely not something they can handle.
And judging from the door frame made of piles of bones, the possibility that what came out of it was a kind creature like an angel was almost zero.
Suddenly a flame flew out from the door frame, as if there was an invisible door there, and behind the door was a sea of ??fire.
/As if to prove that everyone’s imagination was completely correct, a narrow gap opened in the door frame. The gap became wider and wider. Two huge ugly claws protruded from it, and then two more claws. This monster actually had four. arm.
A shuddering breath spurted out from the invisible door, first the arms, then the feet, then the head, and a terrifying and ferocious monster came out.
As its tall and slender body was revealed in the world, the door that ha

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