ces, Li Lian turned the tide and almost saved the expeditionary force from destruction. Moreover, the super combat power he displayed could not be described by the so-called fighting spirit variant. In this way, Pei Jiao, who was looking for the whereabouts of the Immortal Sword, finally discovered the existence of Li Lian.


“How about it?”
At this moment, we are on top of a huge super tank like a ship. By the way, this tank is also one of the excavations of the Soul Base. It is a super huge semi-floating land tank, a super weapon platform, floating in the air. In addition to weapons and equipment, the ground variant of the spacecraft actually has a small medical research room inside, and this tank is now used as one of the laboratories of a large number of experts and professors of the expeditionary force.
/At this moment, on top of the super tank, Pei Jiao stood outside the door of the examination room and asked Li Lian who was standing next to him.
Li Lian was stunned for a moment. He saw a cigarette handed over by Pei Jiao, so he took it, lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and then said: “Her injury is not bad, and she has a soul base super Medical equipment, the doctor said, it only takes another month or two of recuperation before the severed limb can be healed. However, it requires a lot of rehabilitation, but it is good enough and I can survive. Thanks to the equipment in the car. Her comrades protected her.”
Pei Jiao knew that the person Li Lian was talking about was a woman who served in the expeditionary army, named Wang Juanjuan. She was Li Lian’s lover. She was fatally injured in the battle between the hundreds of tribes and had been hanging for her life ever since. Relying on Li Lian’s fighting spirit and his standard energy, it was not until he found super medical equipment in the soul base that he alleviated his injuries and regained consciousness before.
But Pei Jiao didn’t ask that. He asked again: “I’m asking how your body is? Are your genes still in a state of collapse?”
Li Lian was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: “No, the state of genetic collapse has ended in a few days, but I don’t know if I am still a human being. It’s very strange. The doctor told me after examination that my genes Many genes in the chain have changed, and some of the genes are not used by humans at all. They are ‘junk genes’ that have been sleeping in the human body’s genes, but now they have become an important part of the main gene chain. In fact, Those doctors wanted to cut me into sections for study, and now I’m really afraid of seeing them again.”
Pei Jiao also smiled bitterly. In the human city, because of the current political clarity, you will not rely on your father or family to gain power. They will all rely on strength and ability to gain respect and power. Therefore, there are many truly talented and capable people. Experts and professors were quickly promoted. He himself didn’t know that there were so many experts and professors with such genius in the crowd. They successfully ac

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