rd fell, it would shock her heart and soul. She tried to trap Zhong Yuxiao with the three talents of yin and yang, but was defeated by his sword.


After the nine sword strikes, the Taifu covered his mouth and coughed out a mouthful of blood. As a last resort, he released Zhu Xiushi in the small dark room and relied on his shoulders to barely keep his ethereal figure from falling.
The result was very bad. Zhu Xiushi’s memory did not improve at all, and he even jumped more joyfully, mumbling in Taifu’s ears.
/“Your father was beaten, and you just watched like this?”
“It’s my fault that you don’t know what to say. That’s your little man. He only calls you daddy in the dead of night.”
“My good master, you are talking!”
The Taifu didn’t want to talk, he just wanted to strangle Zhu Xiushi to death, and secretly found a place to bury Zhu Xiushi on the way back to Beijing to prevent the rumors from spreading to the ears of the smelly fox.
She could even imagine Hu Er’s crazy smiling face. Who was coming when they met, a daughter-in-law or a granddaughter?
If that were the case, Wu Zhou wouldn’t be able to stay any longer.
On the other side, Xiang Muqing saw that Zhong Yuxiao was so fierce, not only suppressing the ten-eyed demon, but also killing a corner of the Taiyi Yantiantu, and immediately rushed to the scene on the White Cloud Lotus Platform.
The new question is too difficult and cannot be solved at all.
On the contrary, a crack opened under the feet of the Ten-Eyed Demon, which became the only way to escape from the Taiyi Yantiantu.
Xiang Muqing takes back what he said before, swordsmanship is actually not bad, at least the spirit of self-sacrifice deserves praise.
She was no longer in a hurry. The white jade lotus platform was blooming with colorful rays of light, protecting her whole body tightly, waiting for a good opportunity to leave.
/“Your man, I’m telling you that Sect Master Lu is dying. His demonic body has collapsed and cannot take shape. He is at the end of his strength. If you don’t take action, the demon girl from Fuluan Palace will run away.”
Zhu Xiushi whispered in a low voice and frowned: “Or are you saying that you shouldn’t mess with Luan Palace easily? You didn’t intend to detain her in the first place?”
“So what about the Liluan Palace? Since this person came to Wuzhou and intervened in the fight between the two countries, he will have to pay the price for his recklessness.” Taifu said calmly.
“But she’s running away.”
“I can’t run away, it’s not over yet!”
The Taifu looked at the Ten-Eyed Demon meaningfully. From personal experience, he was at the scene and knew very well that Lu Bei had more than one demon body, and there was also a powerful demon body called Lia, which was enough to make Xiang Muqing suffer.
At that time, they would detain the person and use some tricks to make him get bitten by the dog. As a result, the female nuns in the Fuluan Palace refused to give up. The dog was chased and ran around, and no longer dared to return to Wuzhou to bark. Her The Tao is quiet a

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