he holy spirit of the werewolf, the existence of the soul person, and acts extremely arrogantly. The eight powerful races rarely dare to provoke them, but other races actually dare to plunder, so there will be no shortage of human races that will be robbed by them. Moreover, based on the information Pei Jiao got from the dwarves, although these werewolf races They eat humans, but they mostly regard humans as slaves. Because the werewolves can be regarded as a strong fighting clan with all the people as soldiers, they need more slaves to serve them in their daily lives, so the number of human slaves in their hands is at least It’s possible to double that.


Firstly, they have a lot of humans in their hands, and secondly, Pei Jiao is about to establish his authority!
/Thinking about it, he can be regarded as an arrogant person. Back then, he dared to slap someone in the human soul organization and even the world government to establish his authority. In the entire human soul system, he only admired Gong Yeyu. The current situation What’s more, those alien races really treat humans like pigs and dogs, MB, they suddenly appeared when humans were at their weakest after losing civilization, and their bandit-like behavior is still justified?
Pei Jiao just wants to establish his authority and beat these aliens to death, and he must kill them all! Don’t talk to him about such nonsense as if a dog bites a person, will the person bite the dog again? If the dog bites a person, will the person stretch out the unbitten area and be bitten again? That must be to take out a big stick and beat the dog to death, then skin it, extract its bones, eat its meat, and drink its blood. It must be a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!
/After all, Pei Jiao is just a person now. These humans have not yet returned to the civilized system. To put it simply, they have not been armed with thermal weapons. No matter how strong he is, he can only hit one spot at most. Destroy one place, but there are so many alien races. According to the dwarf, although the so-called hundreds of ancient races are a bit exaggerated, there are definitely seventy or eighty races. The whole world is almost covered. What energy does he have to go to the whole world? How about a trip? Even if he really went there, the humans in those remote areas would have been eaten up long ago. Could it be that those alien races still had to wait for him to go there before eating them?
As for what he said about the level of the Demon King, he was somewhat mentally prepared for this. He would definitely not be able to win, but if both sides were to suffer losses, he was absolutely unambiguous on this point. The power of the unlimited combat system was so great that it would not last until Now he has only touched the threshold, and he has a civilized natural weapon in his body. Although this civilized natural weapon has not yet recognized its owner, the self-protection power of the civilized natural weapon is innate, and it has the ability to heal itself. In terms of ability, Pei Jiao h

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