

Hull was convinced that Dean would definitely be greedy for the one million crowns, and this was the result he wanted. In this way, he could justifiably kill Dean and get rid of his troubles.
Although he thought so in his heart, Hull said: “This fund is not easy to come by. We don’t have a backend like the Military Intelligence Department, but we still have to spend it where it should be spent. You try to buy some weapons and equip all the brothers.” .”
“No problem, I’ll take care of it.” Dean said confidently.
“Are you sure you just used an ordinary lost soul curse?” Hel jumped up and asked, looking very excited.
After returning from Miscon, he entered the Devil’s Mountains again. Different from the last time, this time he only sent a signal at the edge of the mountains, and five savages flew out from inside to pick him up.
Although Hel came to lead his men, the curse in Leda concerned him more.
When he was being chased in the Devil’s Mountains, he had suspected that the one who cursed Lida was the necromancer he had encountered before.
The Necromancer was also captured by the Immortal King. Although Hull did not ask if the Necromancer was still alive, but people like the Red Duke could also survive. It must be impossible for the Necromancer to survive. Will die first.
So as soon as he saw the Immortal King, he immediately asked for news about the necromancer.
Just as he guessed, the necromancer was indeed intact, and the Immortal King had already put that guy down from the illusion.
When a magician who specializes in necromancy finds out that the King of Immortality is standing in front of him, one can imagine his mood.
The necromancer happened to be a person who only knew how to practice and research, and he had a mentality of complete worship of powerful people, so when he saw the Immortal Queen, he immediately fell to the ground and was willing to prostrate himself.
For such a person who is more loyal than a slave and respectful from the bottom of his heart, the immortal king’s vanity that has been extinguished for more than a thousand years is also alive.
/Although the savages outside also worshiped him like a god, in the eyes of the Immortal King, those savages were much stranger than the people in the outside world, so they were equally submissive, and the performance of the necromancer made him even more impressed. He was elated.
Overjoyed, the Immortal King simply took the necromancer under his wing.
So when Hel questioned his apprentice, the Immortal King couldn’t help but stand up and said: “I believe Des will not mistake what kind of magic he has used. Curse magic is a branch of the dark system.
“Des is not a dark mage who specializes in dark magic, let alone a curse sorcerer. And as you just said, those who claim that there is no way to eliminate the curse belong to a sect that specializes in curses. Under normal circumstances, they don’t It’s possible to get this kind of thing wrong, unless”
/The Immortal King did not say it clearly, but Hel could guess what he wanted to say nex

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