will wake up from its slumber, and then swallow up the whole Gaia, and finally swallow up the entire shrunken heaven, earth and universe, and finally turn into a strange thing with infinitely small size and infinite mass. point, the entire universe is destroyed in this cycle.”


“But the positive body Gaia was broken by Gu first, and then refined by Jun. So at this time, the negative body Gaia naturally woke up from her sleep, but how could the negative body Gaia wake up? It’s too early, too early. Judging from the time, it must sleep for countless kalpas before it can fully grow and then replace Gaia and devour Gaia. Therefore, it wakes up so early and cannot devour all things. , it cannot even incarnate into a world similar to the Central Prehistoric Continent. It can only possess a dimensional universe, incarnate into a small world, and then swallow all negative energy, negative emotions, negative feelings, and negative souls, This is how you grow slowly.”
“Unfortunately, the universe possessed by Negative Body Gaia is the universe we are in. The world it transformed into is the so-called subspace, and the ‘original sin’ is Negative Body Gaia.”
“I’ve said it before, right? Everything has yin and yang. It has both, otherwise it would not exist. The same is true for the human body. The body is yang and the soul is yin. This universe where Gaia, the negative body, is located Here, when it comes to the real universe, the soul will be condensed, realized, and formed in the material world, so there will be ghosts in the subspace, and there will be the destruction of the epochal civilization. This is actually caused by the negative Why do we need to measure the calamity caused by Gaia? This is the reason why Gaia’s power becomes stronger!”
“The so-called soul army plan is the world government’s plan to process the souls of my human race and make them into soul weapons that can fight against ghosts and subspaces. These bullshit high-level officials are not the sons of human beings. They are not human beings.” son!”
/Wang Jun suddenly stood up. He looked at Leng Jian and shouted: “You are not Leng Jian! Who are you?” As he spoke, his whole body was covered with fighting spirit, and his muscles swelled rapidly, as if he was about to launch an attack.
“I am the original”
Wang Jun was walking at the front of the team. Behind the team was a stretch of mountainous jungle. Directly in front of it was a somewhat damaged highway, and there was something that could be seen very far away. There are many collapsed houses, and the place you enter is lonely and desolate, but you can still vaguely see the remnants of human civilization.
Nearly two thousand people in the team were inexplicably excited. Many men and women held their faces and cried bitterly, not for anything else but for the incomplete highway in front of them and the collapsed buildings in the distance. The traces of civilization lost by human beings in front of them, just these small things in front of them, are worth crying for this group of people.
However, W

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