not weaker than Chu Kuang and Xian Yu. He can suppress the contemporary comics industry in all aspects, but he pretends to be a little transparent and remains indifferent no matter how much netizens ridicule him!


Now the true colors are revealed!
Don’t try to keep pretending!
I won’t give you another chance to hug Xianyu and Chu Kuang’s thighs in the future. Go and kill the other side by yourself!
As soon as this statement came out, it spread all over the Internet instantly!
Tribal Comics Office.
Lingkong looked at the comments on the Internet with an expressionless face.
He needs to evaluate the damage caused by this storm to tribal comics through the response of public opinion.
Lingkong saw the netizens’ summary of Shadow.
Netizens burst into laughter and at the same time, Lingkong didn’t know how depressed they felt.
Anyway, he couldn’t laugh at all, and he almost suffered cerebral congestion on the spot and was sent to the hospital for treatment!
Before co-writing this shadow, I had been playing with myself, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!
What era is it!
Still doing this face-slapping routine!
Is this interesting?
Lingkong’s mentality collapsed!
When Conan was born, Lingkong’s mentality did not break;
His mentality did not collapse even when he was surrounded and suppressed by the headquarters;
Even when the sea of ​​death fire exploded, he barely managed to maintain his condition;
Only after seeing the reason for Shadow’s explosion, he broke through the defense directly in the air, and his mentality was shattered!
How could there be such a person in the world!
Lingkong can’t understand!
Ever since he was a child, he had a nine-point ability, so he wanted to achieve ten points, for fear that others would underestimate him!
What about this shadow?
Clearly a strong group!
Instead of drawing the most awesome Wangdao hot-blooded comic to become famous, stay in the tribe and be a little cartoonist?
Fuck me!
Lingkong originally planned to take care of Shadow and settle the scores with Xianyu and Chu Kuang.
After all, in Lingkong’s heart, the shadow is also a little transparent.
What he really cared about was Xian Yu and Chu Kuang behind the shadows.
In the end, let alone Xianyu and Chu Kuang.
Just a shadow caused Ling Kong’s army to be defeated like a mountain!
Now, Lingkong’s hatred for Shadow has completely surpassed his anger towards Shadow and Chu Kuang!
He actually lost to this kind of salted fish!
What he hates most in his life is people who are obviously capable but don’t want to do everything possible to shine!
Netizens’ summary, Lingkong knew it was true at a glance!
This is not at all difficult to prove.
/Just pull out Shadow’s previous resume and you can see clearly!
This person indeed has a perverted creative ability, but he only wants to draw some lukewarm cartoons to get by.
If he hadn’t been so perverted, he wouldn’t have been able to create a miracle that shocked the entire comic book world and turn things aroun

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