ng Yeyu both knew that Yang Xuguang’s wry smile was at the level of a demon king!


Just the incomplete demon king-level ghosts, the aftermath of the battle was enough to kill the real demons. They were extremely lucky to be able to kill the incomplete bull heads and horse faces at that time. If it happened again, they wouldn’t be sure. They can definitely be destroyed, and so many people have died in this battle. If a demon king-level ghost really appears again, they will probably take a detour when they see it. How dare they try to kill a demon king-level ghost?
/Gong Yeyu laughed and said: “Everyone is making progress, and our strength will gradually improve. Moreover, with this experience of fighting the Demon King level, I also have the idea of ????advancing to the Demon King level. Although It’s not mature yet, but there is always a way to follow. What we have to do now is to improve our strength as soon as possible.”
/An idea flashed in Pei Jiao’s mind, and he suddenly smiled and said: “By the way, let’s discuss the spoils of this trip to Fengdu. How much should be given to the government, how much should be given to other escapees, and how much should be kept. , let’s calculate carefully how much we should exchange for food.”
“Dozens of natural weapons with a capacity of one to two hundred. If replaced by food, wouldn’t our obsession immediately increase by one to two hundred?”
When Pei Jiao said this, his heart was pounding. He only had more than 50 obsessions at the moment. If he added another 100 obsessions to reach 150, then his standard energy would be Three hundred copies! He can store about ten copies of the power of thunder and lightning!
At that time, even without this true demon-level bull head, he used his own power to liberate the battle.
He also dared to face real demon-level ghosts!
Because the harvest from this trip to Fengdu is actually the harvest of Gong Yeyu, Pei Jiao, Yang Xuguang, and Ren Zhen, and it should be divided among the four people. However, they also agreed on the harvest before entering Fengdu. Part of the harvest will be given to the country. Although the other survivors did not contribute in this operation, they suffered heavy casualties. It would be reasonable if they were given some natural weapons.
However, Gong Yeyu immediately started to make a fuss and said: “Why? I fought hard and fought hard. Although I didn’t save Li Yunqi, we still tried our best. And we should get these natural weapons by ourselves. What does it have to do with those bird people? I said at that time that the people who left have nothing to do with me anymore. Do they still want me to take care of them from now on? No way!”
Yang Xuguang smiled bitterly and said: “That’s not what I said. Although their departure at that time was indeed quite heartbreaking, it wouldn’t be a big deal even if they stayed. Just like Ren Zhen and I, we can survive It’s already luck, so you really can’t blame them too much. Besides, if you really give up on them completely, there’s no guarantee that they won’

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